
How do I add an item to an NPC in Skyrim?

How do I add an item to an NPC in Skyrim?

To add an item to your own inventory, use the command ‘player. additem’. You can specify a negative amount to remove items from an inventory (e.g. -1 would remove 1 of the specified item).

What are buckets for in Skyrim?

Buckets are a basic tools found scattered around Skyrim. They serve no real purpose, unless the player chooses to place one on an NPC’s head, which can facilitate stealing.

How do you carry a basket in Skyrim?


  1. The Z key on the PC ( In Skyrim this has changed to holding the E key )
  2. Hold A on the Xbox 360 ( In Skyrim Hold A, even on PC with Xbox controller )
  3. The L2 button on the PS3 ( In Skyrim, hold X )
  4. The L2 (left trigger) button on Xbox One.

How do you steal in front of people in Skyrim?

One trick is to just simply sneak and stick to the shadows. Go near the target item, crouch and move slowly around until you are no longer noticeable. From this sweet-spot you can steal anything within reach, without moving, thus remaining undetected.

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How do I give NPC armor in Skyrim?

Give the NPC the item/armor you want (whether its through console additem or just giving it to them in game). Open console and click on the NPC – the NPC’s ID will be displayed mid screen. Type equipitem (item id) 1. Make sure you have that 1 at the end or they will remove the item later.

How do you levitate with a bucket in Skyrim?

If Flames is cast on the tattered page, it will turn into an immovable bucket. PS3 If a bucket is stood in, before it glitches you can hold X, and jump and the bucket will stay in the air allowing you to fly upwards.

How do you hold items in Skyrim?

To grab and hold an item, you’ll need to make sure you’re looking at it and then press and hold the same button/ key that you’d use for interacting with or adding an item to your inventory.