
How do I become an Editorius Genius?

How do I become an Editorius Genius?

How do I become an Editor? If you feel your contributions adhere to the Contributor Guidelines, tag @mentors in the suggestion section and a member of our editorial community will take a look. Alternatively, you can send a message to a community staff member and they will help guide you through the process.

How do you become a Genius contributor?

Go to the bar at the top of the page and click “Add a Song”. Fill in the artist, song title, and lyrics. Make sure to read this page before transcribing….Here we will be talking about Contributors and their meaning.

  1. What is a Mediator?
  2. What is an Editor?
  3. What is a Moderator?

What is Genius for music?

As the world’s biggest music encyclopedia with a passionate community of more than two million contributors, Genius is a destination for artists, creatives, and superfans to discuss and deconstruct all things music.

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What is Genius verified?

What is a verified account? A verified Genius account allows artists, writers, producers and overall creators to share their creative process with music’s most engaged fan community.

What is Genius IQ?

The average score on an IQ test is 100. Most people fall within the 85 to 114 range. Any score over 140 is considered a high IQ. A score over 160 is considered a genius IQ. If you’re wondering, Betts includes himself on the directory.

What font does Genius use?

In moving from to simply, they wisely replaced Verdana with Whitney for body copy, but the pairing with headline typeface DIN felt off. August 2015 brought the latest redesign. DIN was replaced by Programme, whose versatility shines.

How much is genius worth?

Genius was acquired by medialab for $80M on Sep 16, 2021 .

How do I turn genius off?

Turn Genius on or off In the iTunes app on your PC, choose File > Library > Turn On Genius (or Turn Off Genius). Turning off Genius turns off Genius Playlists, Genius Shuffle, and Genius Mixes.

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How do I get a genius interview?

How do I get a Genius interview? Genius interviews (all of our video series’: Verified, Deconstructed, For The Record, Framework, IRL) are booked by our in-house Artist Relations team. If you think you/your artist might be a good fit for one of these series’, reach out to streetlights.

What are the requirements to join Genius?

To join Genius, your property needs to meet three eligibility criteria: It has a review score of at least 7.5 (we may make an exception if the average review score in your area/city is lower than 7.5 and your property’s review score is above that average)

How do I sign up for the genius partner program?

If you meet these criteria, you can sign up for Genius by clicking Opportunities on the Extranet, then selecting Genius partner program. When you join the program, the 10\% Genius discount applies automatically to your least expensive and most popular room type or unit.

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What does it mean to be a Genius contributor?

A Genius contributor is any Genius user with more than 300 IQ who is not an editor, mediator, moderator, verified artist, or member of staff. They are the lifeblood of the Genius Community and as a collective, account for the majority of Genius contributions. Contributors can earn IQ from transcribing songs, annotating,…

What do I get with a genius IQ account?

You’ll get your own profile page and the ability to follow other scholars and artists. Once you have an account, you can start adding knowledge and earning Genius IQ. If you’re interested in adding knowledge with any of our international communities, you can do that, too! —> More info on international communities