
How do I call a mobile phone in Seoul?

How do I call a mobile phone in Seoul?

To call abroad from Korea, you must first dial 001, 002, 008, 00345、00700、00388 (international call company numbers), then the country code (1 for United States or Canada, 44 for United Kingdom, 353 for Ireland, 71 for Australia, 64 for New Zealand, 27 for South Africa), then the normal area code and phone number.

Can I call a Korean phone number from the state?

How to Call a Korean Phone Number from the United States. From the United States, dial 011 (which initiates an international call), followed by 82 (the country code of South Korea), followed by the Korean phone number.

How do I call South Korea?

To call United States from South Korea, dial: XX – 1 – Area Code – Land phone number XX – 1 – 10 Digit Mobile phone number

  1. 001, 002 – Exit code for South Korea, and is needed for making any international call from South Korea.
  2. 1 – ISD Code or Country Code of United States.
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What does a South Korean phone number look like?

South Korea’s telephone numbers are made up of 10-11 numbers split into groups of 3. So if you’re going to make a call to South Korea using a mobile phone, you should dial country code+area code+7-8-digit number. Some of the common area codes in South Korea include Seoul (2), Ulsan (52) and Busan (51).

How do I add Korean numbers to Kakaotalk?

If this sounds like the easiest way for you, go to ‘Add by Contacts’ from your contacts list. Once you click on it, you are asked to type your friends’ phone numbers and their country codes.

Which country uses +82?

South Korea Country
South Korea Country Code 82 – Worldometer.

Does my iPhone work in Korea?

Update (10/14/2015): All Apple phones released since the iPhone 5c are compatible with Korea’s network.

How do I call South Korea from Philippines?

To call South Korea from Philippines, dial: 00 – 82 – Area Code – Land Phone Number 00 – 82 – 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 Digit Mobile Number.

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How do Korean phone numbers start?

Korean mobile-phone numbers have three-digit codes, always beginning with 01, eg 011 1234 5678. You’ll also come across internet phone numbers (also known as VoIP), which begin with 070.