
How do I clear MySQL database cache?

How do I clear MySQL database cache?

With the FLUSH QUERY CACHE command you can defragment the query cache to better utilise its memory. This command will not remove any queries from the cache. FLUSH TABLES also flushes the query cache. The RESET QUERY CACHE command removes all query results from the query cache.

How do I know if MySQL cache is enabled?

To make sure MySQL Query Cache is enabled use: mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE ‘have_query_cache’; To monitor query cache stats use: mysql> SHOW STATUS LIKE ‘Qcache\%’;

How do I enable MySQL query caching?

Log out of MySQL. Open terminal and run the following command to open MySQL configuration file. We have enabled query cache by setting query_cache_type variable to 1, with individual query cache as 256Kb and total cache as 10Mb.

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How do I clear MySQL buffer cache?

You can do FLUSH TABLES to clean MySQL table cache (but not Innodb table meta data) or you can do “set global key_buffer_size=0; set global key_buffer_size=DEFAULT” to zero out key buffer but there is no way to clean Innodb Buffer Pool without restart.

How do I disable MySQL query cache?

Query to disable the cache From the MySQL command line, a application like phpMyAdmin, or from a script, run the following SQL command to disable the query cache: SET GLOBAL query_cache_size = 0; This will take effect immediately. You will also need to modify the MySQL configuration file to keep it disabled on reboot.

Why is MySQL query cache deprecated?

The query cache has been disabled-by-default since MySQL 5.6 (2013) as it is known to not scale with high-throughput workloads on multi-core machines. We considered what improvements we could make to query cache versus optimizations that we could make which provide improvements to all workloads.

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How do I disable MySQL cache?

Is MySQL query cache good?

Generally, the MySQL query cache should be off unless proven useful for your workload. So it is important to know your environment well to enable the MySQL query cache and to decide what the query cache size should be.

What is MySQL cache?

Query cache is a prominent MySQL feature that speeds up data retrieval from a database. It achieves this by storing MySQL SELECT statements together with the retrieved record set in memory, then if a client requests identical queries it can serve the data faster without executing commands again from the database.

What is MySQL query cache?

3 The MySQL Query Cache. The query cache stores the text of a SELECT statement together with the corresponding result that was sent to the client. If an identical statement is received later, the server retrieves the results from the query cache rather than parsing and executing the statement again.

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