
How do I disable likes and comments on Facebook profile picture?

How do I disable likes and comments on Facebook profile picture?

To disable likes and comments on your Facebook profile picture, you need to uncheck the “Share your update to News Feed” option before changing it. What is this? If you already changed it, you need to change your post’s privacy settings from “Public” to “Only Me”.

Can you hide who likes your pictures on Facebook?

To hide Likes and other reactions on posts from other accounts, tap the toggle for ‘On posts from others. ‘ To hide Likes and reactions on your own posts, so other users can’t see them, tap the toggle for ‘On your posts.

Can you turn off comments on Facebook cover photo?

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You can’t. The current Facebook profile and cover picture would always be public: You can hide all your profile pictures except the current one, it is public and anyone can see it.

How do I hide the number of reacts on Facebook?

Click in the top right of Facebook. Click Settings & Privacy, then click News Feed Preferences. Click Reaction Preferences. Next to On your posts, click the toggle to turn this setting off at any time.

How do you check someones likes on Facebook?

It’s at the top of your friend’s profile, but below their cover photo. A menu will expand with more options. Click Likes on the menu. This opens your friend’s Likes page, where you’ll find all of the movies, TV shows, artists, books, restaurants, and other Pages they’ve liked on Facebook.

Can you hide Facebook profile?

Before we dive in, it is worth mentioning that you cannot completely hide your Facebook profile from public searches. What you can do is limit who can find your profile. Click on More options and select Settings & Privacy. Then go to Settings, click on Privacy and navigate to How people find and contact you.

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Can I block someone from seeing who Likes my posts?

Log in to, go to your profile, and select More > Likes. Click the three-dot menu and select Edit the Privacy of Your Likes. Select a Page Category. In the Select Audience box, choose the level of privacy you want for the category’s like visibility.