
How do I find the latest files in a directory?

How do I find the latest files in a directory?

find . -type f -exec stat -c ‘\%Y \%n’ * : prints the last modification’s time followed by the file’s path for each file in the current directory hierarchy; sort -nr : sorts in an inverse numerical order; awk ‘NR==1,NR==3 {print $2}’ : prints the second field of the first, second and third line.

How do you search a string in all files in a directory in Unix?

You can use grep command or find command as follows to search all files for a string or words recursively….A string is a wildcard pattern if it contains one of the following characters:

  1. ? – Matches any single character.
  2. * – Matches any string, including the empty string.
  3. [

How do I search for a specific string in a file in Linux?

Grep is a Linux / Unix command-line tool used to search for a string of characters in a specified file. The text search pattern is called a regular expression. When it finds a match, it prints the line with the result. The grep command is handy when searching through large log files.

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How do I list most recent files in Linux?

List files, displaying the most recently created or changed files first, by using the ls -t command.

How do I find recent files in Linux?

Use “-mtime n” command to return a list of files that were last modified “n” hours ago. See the format below for a better understanding. -mtime +10: This will find all files that were modified 10 days ago. -mtime -10: It will find all files that were modified in the last 10 days.

How do you search for a string in all files in a folder in Windows?

How to Search for words within files on Windows 7

  1. Open windows explorer.
  2. Using the left hand file menu select the folder to search in.
  3. Find the search box in the top right hand corner of the explorer window.
  4. In the search box type content: followed by the word or phrase you are searching for.(eg content:yourword)
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Which command searches the string in file opened in vi editor?

Which command searches the string in file opened in vi editor? a) / or? Explanation: The command ‘/’ searches downward in the file and command ‘? ‘ searches upward in the file.

How do I see recent changes in Linux?

How to Get Last Modified Date of File in Linux

  1. Using stat command. The ls -l command is just okay in giving you basic information about a file such as file ownership and permissions, file size, and creation date.
  2. Using date command.
  3. Using ls -l command.
  4. Using httpie.