
How do I fix error pls 00103?

How do I fix error pls 00103?

2 Answers

  1. You put the BEGIN before the variable declarations.
  2. You have an extraneous DECLARE — you would only use that if you are declaring a PL/SQL block that doesn’t involve a CREATE .
  3. You are missing semicolons after your RETURN statements.
  4. A procedure cannot return a value.
  5. You are missing the THEN after the IF.

What is PLS 00103 error in PL SQL?

The PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol “END” when expecting one of the following: error occurs when the keyword “END” is encountered when the PL/SQL code is expected to have a valid literal value. When oracle scans the PL/SQL code while compiling, it detects the “END” symbol instead of the literal one.

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How do I run a PL SQL package in SQL Developer?

Assuming you already have a connection configured in SQL Developer:

  1. from the View menu, select DBMS Output.
  2. in the DBMS Output window, click the green plus icon, and select your connection.
  3. right-click the connection and choose SQL worksheet.
  4. paste your query into the worksheet.
  5. run the query.

What is set Serveroutput on?

Basically the use of SET SERVEROUTPUT is to display the query answer in SQL *PLUS interface… When you use the DBMS_OUTPUT. PUT_LINE procedure, the procedure will write the passing string into the Oracle buffer. Use the “Set serveroutput on” to display the buffer used by dbms_output.

How do you call a function in Oracle SQL?

You can call a function in various places such as:

  1. in an assignment statement: DECLARE l_sales_2017 NUMBER := 0; BEGIN l_sales_2017 := get_total_sales (2017); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(‘Sales 2017: ‘ || l_sales_2017); END;
  2. in a Boolean expression.
  3. in an SQL statement.
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How do I enable debug in SQL Developer?

SQL Developer’s default “debug” action is to run until a breakpoint occurs. You can change this by going to Tools > Preferences, and clicking Debugger. Change the option that says “Start Debugging Option” to Step Into. This will allow you to click Debug and run to the first line of code.

How do I debug a SQL Server query?

How to debug your SQL server query?

  1. Set your cursor on SELECT @@SERVERNAME and.
  2. Pres F9 to set a breakpoint. A red circle will appear.
  3. Press ALT F5.
  4. Press ALT F5.
  5. Press ALT F5 to continue.
  6. Press ALT F5 to continue.
  7. Stop debugging with SHIFT F5.
  8. Add next statement SET @Rownumber = @Rownumber + 1.

How do I select a query in PL SQL Developer?

Running Queries in SQL Developer

  1. Click the icon SQL Worksheet.
  2. If the Select Connection window opens:
  3. In the SQL Worksheet pane, type a query (a SELECT statement).
  4. Click the icon Execute Statement.
  5. Click the tab Results.
  6. Click the icon Clear.
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How do I debug in SQL Developer?