
How do I get a job on an oil rig with no experience?

How do I get a job on an oil rig with no experience?

If you’re interested in getting a job on an oil rig with little or no experience, consider following these steps:

  1. Meet the basic requirements.
  2. Explore entry-level positions.
  3. Consider a training program.
  4. Earn a safety certificate.
  5. Gather your application materials.
  6. Find openings and apply.

How do I get started on an oil rig?

A deckhand position requires a high school diploma or GED certificate and on-the-job training. Geologists, or mud loggers, need at least a bachelor’s degree in geology. Many oil rig jobs allow you to start in an entry-level position and obtain certifications as you gain experience and skills.

Do you need training to work on an oil rig?

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With the exception of geoscientists and engineers, oil and gas extraction workers do not need formal education. Certificates and on-the-job training are more important. All offshore oil rig workers must complete a three day Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training program.

Can you work offshore with no experience?

You may find it easier to get a start in Offshore Wind, money isn’t as good but may possibly lead on to the Oil and Gas work. Without being disrespectful, I know that there are plenty of companies who have employed people with no real experience, just a basic rigging certificate.

What jobs can you do offshore?

Offshore work can be broadly categorised into four areas: exploration, construction, operations and management. Offshore oil workers can perform a range of duties including drilling, surveying, diving and carrying out health and safety checks. Learn more about the life cycle of an Oil and Gas project.

What is the qualification for rig jobs?

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Technical and mechanical background with extensive experience in mechanic systems, hydraulic equipment, etc; expertise in drilling fluids and the different drilling systems; previous safety training process, FLSBO (First Line Supervisor Blownout Prevention) and any other related courses are recommended; and at least 3 …

What courses do I need to work on oil rigs?

Offshore Oil & Gas Training Courses

  • Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training Course (with CA-EBS) (BOSIET)
  • Minimum Industry Safety Training (MIST)
  • Compressed Air EBS Training.
  • Further Offshore Emergency Training (with CA-EBS) (FOET)
  • Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (with CA-EBS) (HUET)