
How do I get a receipt of PM cares donations?

How do I get a receipt of PM cares donations?

Click on logo PMCARES UPI (Donations made using UPI App). Fill all the required details in the form: Select ISD code; enter mobile number and your Bank Reference Number. Click on Get OTP, you will receive a one-time password (OTP) on the mobile number you entered. Enter the OTP and click on Submit to Get Receipt.

Who can donate in PM care fund?

Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund, (PMNRF) accepts voluntary contributions from Individuals, Organizations, Trusts, Companies and Institutions etc. All contributions towards PMNRF are exempt from Income Tax under section 80(G).

How do I get a refund from PM care fund?

PM CARES Fund provides assistance and relief in India. Hence, contributions wherein the donor intends donations for the foreign citizens/calamities abroad are not accepted in the Fund. Contributions once processed cannot be cancelled or refunded.

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How do I get a PM fund?

(a) At Prime Minister’s Office, South Block, in cash and through postal order, cheque or demand draft drawn in favour of the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund and through BHIM App/UPI (VPA : pmnrf@centralbank) .

Is PM cares a public charitable trust?

PM CARES Fund has been registered as a Public Charitable Trust. The trust deed of PM CARES Fund has been registered under the Registration Act, 1908 at New Delhi on 27th March, 2020.

How much money is PM fund in India?

At least an additional Rs 2,098.2 crore has been pledged to the fund and Rs 7,855 crore has also been earmarked from other government sources….Who has donated money to PM CARES?

Donations/Pledges To PM CARES Fund
Total Rs 9,677.9 crore Rs 2,098.2 crore

Are donations tax exempt?

Contributions made to certain relief funds and charitable institutions can be claimed as a deduction under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act. All donations, however, are not eligible for deductions under Section 80G. Only donations made to prescribed funds qualify as a deduction.

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