
How do I get my older dog to like my new puppy?

How do I get my older dog to like my new puppy?

Introduce valuable items like toys slowly As you see that they’re getting along, introduce toys that your older dog doesn’t really care about and that are safe for the puppy. Or bring in new toys as long as the older dog doesn’t guard them. Have one handler play with the puppy and another with the adult dog.

How long does it take for a dog to get used to a new puppy?

It can take up to one month for an old dog and new dog to really settle in and accept each other’s position in the pack. If you want a second dog, you need to be ready to commit to this process and not panic.

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Why is my dog aggressive towards puppies?

If your adult dog seems unusually aggressive toward puppies, veteran dog trainer Robert Cabral says that may be because they’ve had a bad experience with puppies in the past…or might not have any experience with them at all. Your dog may be triggered by their fast movements and unpredictable behavior.

Will my dog accept a new puppy?

The adult dogs may accept it for a short period of time, but then the puppy’s behavior reaches a tipping point. In those circumstances, the dog may strike out with more force than he would have if he had been allowed to tell the pup to knock it off much earlier in the process.

Do dogs get jealous of new puppies?

This behavior is perfectly normal. When jealousy occurs, it is important to deal with your dog’s emotions, properly. If you change the routine and give your new puppy all of the attention, your dog will be angry and jealous of this new puppy and they may feel like they are losing their territory.

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Will my older dog ever accept new puppy?

You should expect that your older dog will not enjoy the puppy a lot from the age of 4 to 16 months. Around the 18 month mark many puppies slow down considerably and mature. Then your older dog will likely get along with the puppy much better.

What do I do if my dog doesn’t like my new dog?

6 Tips for Peace between Your Old Dog and Young One

  1. Obedience Training is Imperative.
  2. Prevent Arguments and Fusses.
  3. Exercise is Great.
  4. Teach the Younger Dog Respect.
  5. Give Each Dog some Space.
  6. Special Time with Each Dog.

How can I get my dog to like other dogs?

Allow your dog to meet the other, calm and friendly dog. You should approach the other dog from the side with the friendly dog remaining stationary in a sit or calm stand. Try to keep the leash slack and remain calm yourself. Repeat this introduction with a variety of dogs to build positive associations.