
How do I keep free range chickens out of my yard?

How do I keep free range chickens out of my yard?

How to Keep Chickens Out of My Yard

  1. Ask the Chickens to Leave (No, Seriously!)
  2. Adopt a Labrador or Terrier Puppy.
  3. Eliminate the Chicken’s Source of Food.
  4. Introduce Fake Predators and Scarecrows.
  5. Install a Motion Sensor Sprinkler.
  6. Add Decoy Gardens or Seed Piles.
  7. Use Chicken Wire Fencing.
  8. Cover the Soil with Wire Cloth.

Do You Mind the chickens in your yard?

These chickens are always in my yard. They have had the chickens about a year now. I dont mind the chickens they help the pest control in my yard and garden. Last year the owners never paid much attention if the chickens were in our yard, this year they are CONSTANTLY trespassing to collect the chickens.

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How can I Stop my Neighbor’s chickens from destroying my yard?

Show them the letter and photos as well. If you are a member of an HOA, you might be able to contact them as well. I keep all of my chickens (I have over 150 birds) in their respective pens so that they won’t wander over to my neighbors yard and damage flowers or garden beds.

Does it matter who owns the chickens in a neighbours backyard?

However, in the end, that doesn’t matter because the owner of the chickens does know and is responsible to make decisions for them and keep them safe. Your rights to have and enjoy chickens do not trump the rights of your neighbor to choose not to have chickens or the nuisance that they can potentially create.

Does your neighbor capture and eat your chickens?

Another neighbor, also captures stray chickens ( not my chicken) and eat them. My neighbor that captures and eat chickens, had a dog last year which enters our property, and chased my chickens a lot of times. However, I didn’t do anything to the dog, except chase it, to make it go away.