
How do I make my GitHub project popular?

How do I make my GitHub project popular?

How to get up to 3500+ GitHub stars in one week

  1. Write a beautiful README. On GitHub, the README file is like the landing page of your website.
  2. Be clear about what you need.
  3. Get people to the GitHub page.
  4. Be where developers are.
  5. Ask communities for feedback.
  6. Email campaign.
  7. Add a tweet button.
  8. Little to no advertising.

How do I promote my GitHub site?

There are 3 important things you should take into consideration: channels. timing. Github “trending page”…Channels

  1. post to Twitter. Repeatedly.
  2. contact famous guys from the related area (like Dan Abramov for React, etc).
  3. ask your friends to upvote your post.

Should my GitHub project be public?

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Regarding this “bare bones” use – it is perfectly respectable to make code public, but not use GitHub as a forum for discussion or community engagement. Just because a repository is public, the owner of the repository is not obligated to communicate with the GitHub community or manage development in public view.

How does GitHub trending works?

GitHub trending is a constantly updated list of repositories that provide a view of the open-source projects which the community is most excited about. Trending repositories are displayed based on the number of times they’ve been starred by users every day, week or month.

Where can I share a project on GitHub?

Share Project on GitHub

  • With a project loaded, on the Project tab, select Share > Change Share Options.
  • Add the GitHub option to your Share menu.
  • Select Share > GitHub.
  • In the Create GitHub Repository dialog box, enter your GitHub user name and personal access token, and edit the name for the new repository.
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Can GitHub pages advertise?

Advertising on GitHub Short version: We do not generally prohibit use of GitHub for advertising. However, we expect our users to follow certain limitations, so GitHub does not become a spam haven.

How do I make GitHub public?

Changing a repository’s visibility

  1. On, navigate to the main page of the repository.
  2. Under your repository name, click Settings.
  3. Under “Danger Zone”, to the right of to “Change repository visibility”, click Change visibility.
  4. Select a visibility.

How do I grow on GitHub?

Here are a few tips to create a more attractive profile in GitHub…

  1. Update the code constantly. Recruiters check, not only the content, but also the activity of your GitHub account.
  2. Write clean, commented, and well-organized code.
  3. Use Github Pages.
  4. Work as a team.
  5. Contribute.

How do I add an IntelliJ project to GitHub?

How to add an IntelliJ project to GitHub

  1. Select ‘VCS’ menu -> Import in Version Control -> Share project on GitHub.
  2. You may be prompted for you GitHub, or IntelliJ Master, password.
  3. Select the files to commit.