
How do I make my pictures bigger on Tumblr?

How do I make my pictures bigger on Tumblr?

Manual Resizing You don’t have to use HTML to resize a picture in your Tumblr post. Small handles appear around an image in the editing box when you click it. Drag one of the handles to make the image larger or smaller.

How do you change the size of a post on Tumblr?

Modifying Posts Swap out “{PhotoURL-X}” with “{PhotoURL-500},” “{PhotoURL-400},” “{PhotoURL-250}” or “{PhotoURL-100},” depending on what size you want your photos to be. Click “Update Preview” and then click “Save” to make your changes live.

How do you format pictures on Tumblr mobile?

Just click on the settings wheel on the bottom-right corner of your screen to change the settings of your post (the same way you’d change a post to be Drafted, or Queued) and scroll until you find the option EDITOR, and just change that bad boy to Markdown.

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How do I make text bigger on Tumblr?

Surround the letters you want to make larger with “” to start and “” to finish, both without the quotes. For example, to enlarge the “B” in bigger in the following statement, you would write: “I want this letter Bigger.”

How do you post a Gifset on Tumblr?

Posting GIFs on Web You can add a GIF to any post: When making a new post or reblogging a post, click the GIF icon. Type to search for a GIF, then click to add a GIF to your post. If you change your mind, click the X to delete.

Why is the quality on Tumblr so bad?

Still, if the images you’re uploading are losing quality, that’s most likely because they exceed the recommended size. When this happens, Tumblr renders the image for a lower quality. However, you may sometimes even be unable to upload the image at all if it exceeds that limit.

Does Tumblr compress photos?

Jpg is a lossy format, which means each time you save it compresses the image in a way that a little bit of information is lost. PNG files are larger than JPG files, but you can upload images up to 10mb in size to tumblr, so as long as they aren’t too big you’ll be fine.

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Can you submit multiple photos on Tumblr?

Tumblr allows you to schedule your blog posts to appear on a specific day by using the Queue feature. You can add multiple pictures manually or choose to schedule a mass upload. Mass uploading photos allows you to speed up the publishing process of your posts.

What is Tumblr post limit?

Limitation – You can never have too many posts on your Tumblr blog. Well, not in a day anyway. You can only post a total of 250 posts daily. If you need to check how many posts you have left, enter your Tumblr username at Post Limit Checker. The tool also tells you the time left until the next reset.

What is the maximum size of a photo on Tumblr?

Photos bigger than 500 x 750 will be viewed in a lightbox when clicked. What you can do – If you share photos heavily on Tumblr, it is obvious to keep the photo sizes to the recommended 500 x 750 pixels so your photos won’t be scaled down. Also note that from the 250 posts-per-day limit, 150 of those can be photo posts.

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How many posts can you have on Tumblr in a day?

2. Limited To 250 Posts/Day. Limitation – You can never have too many posts on your Tumblr blog. Well, not in a day anyway. You can only post a total of 250 posts daily. This includes reblogs, and yes, the number applies to the cumulative posts on both your primary and secondary blogs.

What is the maximum size of a GIF on Instagram?

The maximum GIF size was recently bumped up from 1MB to 1.75MB and within 500 pixels (which is good news as most GIF makers attest to their 500 pixels GIFs having better quality). If your GIF exceeds the size limit, try saving the post in drafts first to see if the animation loads.

What does Tumblr’s new search limitation mean for You?

Limitation – Tags, as most of you would know, serve to keep track of things and function as a way to discover new content. If an original post has more than five tags, only the first five tags are searchable from the dashboard. Of course, with Tumblr’s new search, the sixth tag and beyond are searchable, unless you are using the old tag page.