
How do I make my post on OnlyFans private?

How do I make my post on OnlyFans private?

You can make these changes in Settings. However, if you want to make your OnlyFans account completely private, you’ll need to log in to your account, click on ‘Settings’, click on ‘Privacy and safety’, then select to enable ‘Fully private profile.

How do I sell content on OnlyFans?

How To Sell OnlyFans Posts and Add Previews

  1. Upload your post. The first step is pretty self-explanatory.
  2. Set a price.
  3. Setting a preview.
  4. Write a captivating caption or preview text.
  5. Double-check everything and confirm.
  6. Choose your most attractive photo.
  7. Don’t overthink the caption.
  8. Come up with creative content ideas.

What price should I start my OnlyFans?

It’s free and easy to set up an OnlyFans account and there’s no contract for you or your subscribers. If you have a substantial fanbase and significant engagement, it’s time to make the transition and invite your fans to experience exclusive content on OnlyFans.

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Why can’t I price lock on OnlyFans?

Important Note: Some OnlyFans users can’t see the “Post Price” button when creating a post. This is most likely because your OnlyFans account has a subscription price. Only “Free” OnlyFans accounts can price lock posts. A good strategy is to create two OnlyFans accounts, a free account and a premium (paid) account.

What does restrict on OnlyFans mean?

When a user is restricted, they will not be able to direct message you or comment on your posts. However, they will still be able to view and like the content you post.

What should I charge for my OnlyFans?

To put you in complete control, you decide how much to charge your fans for a subscription, so set a rate that you think is fair, reasonable and affordable for your audience. Typically around 1\%-3\% of your fans will subscribe. I think monthly subscription under 5–6USD is usually very acceptable to the majority.