
How do I make my website look the same on mobile and desktop devices?

How do I make my website look the same on mobile and desktop devices?

12 Steps to Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

  1. Make Your Website Responsive.
  2. Make Information People Look for Easier to Find.
  3. Ditch Text-Blocking Ads and Pop-ups.
  4. Make Website Speed a Priority.
  5. Keep Your Web Design Simple.
  6. Make Your Button Sizes Large Enough to Work on Mobile.
  7. Use Large Font Sizes.
  8. Don’t Use Flash.

How do I make my Web page fit on mobile?

So it is important to format a page to match the mobile screen’s width in device-independent pixels. The “meta viewport” tag included in the of the HTML document addresses this requirement. The meta viewport value as shown above helps format the entire HTML page and render the content to match any screen size.

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How do I make my website look the same on all computers?

Browser Compatibility – Making your Site Look Good on All Computers

  1. Avoid using the spacebar to align text/content.
  2. Use multiple content boxes.
  3. Use the split content box option for the multi column effect (for the smaller images on your home page for example)

Why does my website look different on mobile?

If your website shows up as a really small version of its regular self on your phone, chances are, a mobile version of the site doesn’t exist. So, when it can’t find a mobile version, it looks at the whole thing as a desktop computer would. Then, it automatically shrinks it down to fit your screen.

How do I make my website compatible with all screen resolutions?

Designing Websites For All Screen Resolutions

  1. Step 1: Decide on the lowest Screen Resolution.
  2. Step 2: Design Your Web Site On This Resolution.
  3. Step 3: While converting your design to HTML make sure all your tables are measured in terms of percentages.
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How can I make my website compatible with mobile HTML?

HTML Responsive Web Design

  1. Setting The Viewport. To create a responsive website, add the following tag to all your web pages:
  2. Responsive Images.
  3. Responsive Text Size.
  4. Media Queries.
  5. Responsive Web Page – Full Example.
  6. Responsive Web Design – Frameworks.
  7. Bootstrap.

How do you make a website scalable?


  1. Choose a horizontal scale over a vertical one.
  2. Take work away from the core.
  3. API first.
  4. Make sure to cache everything.
  5. Design for maintenance and process automation.
  6. Choose asynchronism.
  7. Aim for statelessness in your app.

How do I make my website fit into my browser window?

Using a web browser menu.

  1. Chrome: Click on the wrench in the top right corner of the window.
  2. Firefox: Select the View menu, then click Zoom In or Zoom Out.
  3. Internet Explorer: Click on the magnifying glass in the bottom right of the window.
  4. Safari: Select the View menu, then click Zoom In or Zoom Out.
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Why does a website work on my phone but not my computer?

Because the website developer has made the site show only in a mobile browser. Or rather in a browser which has sent the right User Agent string. Try to change the User Agent in your desktop browser to an Android one. If you are lucky – your desktop browser can cope with all the specifics, you will see it.