
How do I run a node server as a service?

How do I run a node server as a service?

How to run a node. js app as a background service?

  1. Step 1: Create a new file .service file replacing with the name of the node.js app.
  2. Step 2: After configuring the service file,
  3. Step3: Start the app with the following command to make it run with the service file: systemctl start

How do I keep node running on EC2?

Steps that we will follow:

  1. Create account on aws.
  2. Launch an EC2 instance.
  3. SSH into your instance.
  4. Install Node. js.
  5. Install Git and clone repository from GitHub.
  6. Start the node. js app.
  7. Keep App running using Pm2.

How do I create a node js service?

Creating a server to listen for HTTP requests

  1. Create a new folder called my-nodejs-service for your Node.
  2. Navigate to the folder in your terminal, and create a package.
  3. Add Express as a dependency by running:
  4. Add a start script to your package.json file:

How do I deploy a node JS project in AWS?

How to deploy Node.js application on AWS with Github

  1. Install NodeJS and NPM using nvm.
  2. Install Git and clone repository from GitHub.
  3. Install dependencies.
  4. Run the application.
  5. Configure security group to access via public URL.
  6. Access the application in browser.
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How do I create a webservice in node js?

js framework to handle HTTP requests, but you are free to use a web framework of your choice.

  1. Create a new folder called my-nodejs-service for your Node.
  2. Navigate to the folder in your terminal, and create a package.
  3. Add Express as a dependency by running:
  4. Add a start script to your package.json file:

How do I enable watching pm2?

Or via configuration file set the option watch: true . If an application is started with the –watch option, stopping the app will not prevent it to be restarted on file change. To totally disable the watch feature, do: pm2 stop app –watch or toggle the watch option on application restart via pm2 restart app –watch .

How do I view pm2 logs?

Type pm2 log in a shell and you get an overview of the last 15 log lines and the last 15 error lines in realtime. At the top of these log lines, the location of your logfile is shown. You can also type pm2 log –lines 1000 to show more lines, in this case 1000.

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How do I run a node js program?

The usual way to run a Node. js program is to run the node globally available command (once you install Node. js) and pass the name of the file you want to execute. While running the command, make sure you are in the same directory which contains the app.