
How do I run Apache and Tomcat on the same server?

How do I run Apache and Tomcat on the same server?

4 Answers. Yes you can do that. Essentially you have to run the Apache (+ PHP) server on one port and the Tomcat server on a different port. You can expose the 2nd port to the outside world, and have your URLs use either port 80 for Apache / PHP or (say) 8080 for the Java server.

Can a certificate be both server and client?

It’s technically possible for a TLS certificate to be used as both a server certificate and a client certificate. The TLS certificate for this very site has its key usage set that way, for instance. But the server which requires a client certificate does so to authenticate the client.

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Does SSL require both client and server to have certificates?

Generally, most web servers running HTTPS do not require the client to have a certificate. If the server requires the client to authenticate, this is often done through credentials (e.g. username and password).

Can I have two Tomcats on the same machine?

If this environment variable is set and if you try to run tomcat from any copy-paste tomcat installation location, you will get tomcat running which is pointed by CATALINA_HOME. So while running two tomcat from same machine, remove the CATALINA_HOME property.

Does tomcat need Apache?

Tomcat is a web server of its own, so a separate web server like Apache is not required. You probably will want to change Tomcat’s port though, since it defaults to 8080 and web sites are usually on port 80.

What is the difference between client certificate and server certificate?

Server certificates are used to authenticate server identity to the client(s). Client certificates are used to authenticate the client (user) identity to the server. Server certificates encrypt data-in-transit. No encryption of data takes place in case of Client certificates.

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Why do we need certificates with SSL?

Why you need an SSL certificate Websites need SSL certificates to keep user data secure, verify ownership of the website, prevent attackers from creating a fake version of the site, and convey trust to users. HTTPS is the secure form of HTTP, which means that HTTPS websites have their traffic encrypted by SSL.

Can I use https without SSL certificate?

Nope. What you’re doing when using HTTPS is telling the browser to connect via a different port (443) whereas normally you connect via (80). Without a certificate, the server would refuse the connection. HTTPS is simply not possible without a certificate.

Does SSL ensure Mutual Authentication?

A browser connecting to the secure server will use the SSL protocol to connect and verify the server’s certificate. With Mutual Authentication, both client and server will provide signed certificates for verification.