
How do I soften my horses poll?

How do I soften my horses poll?

Just apply steady pressure with each cue so that your horse will be able to soften to the bit naturally. Keep in mind that all the while, you’ll need to apply steady pressure with your legs to keep your horse moving forward.

How do you bend a stiff horse?

How To Help Your Stiff Horse Bend

  1. Go on a large circle to the right.
  2. Pick a point somewhere along the arc of the circle, and turn onto a 6-meter circle.
  3. While on the small circle, think about your bending aids.
  4. Ride the 6-meter circle a couple of times until your horse’s body conforms to its arc.

How do you get your horse to flexion?

Ask your horse to gently turn his head to the left until his nose touches your imaginary corridor line to the left. A good gauge of how far to go when flexing is to see that it produces a small gap between the left rein and your horse’s neck, and the right rein should touch their neck. Repeat to the right.

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Why is my horse pulling on the bit?

Horses that pull on the bit or through the bit haven’t been taught how to accept bit pressure and what to do with contact. There is also a good chance that their neck is being held uncomfortable tight. The pulling of the bit on the head and mouth puts them off balance so instinctively they want to pull against it.

How do you make a horse bend?

Before you begin: Lead your horse to the work area, mount up, and walk him forward on a loose rein.

  1. Slide your hand down the rein. You’ll first bend your horse to the left.
  2. Cue with rein and leg pressure.
  3. Release the pressure.
  4. Maintain forward movement.
  5. Perform circle work.
  6. Bend to the right.

How can I improve my horse’s flexion?

To help you get the feeling for what flexion is, try the following exercise:

  1. You can do it in halt, or, if your horse is better on the move, then quietly walk around the arena on a light but equal contact.
  2. There should be a straight line from your horse’s mouth, along the rein through your hands to your elbows.
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How do I make my horse more round?

Take up a large circle in a lively working trot. Keeping an elastic contact with your horse’s mouth, gradually soften your hands to allow the horse to take the rein forward, round and down. Make sure you keep encouraging him forward with your leg and don’t let him slow down or lose energy.

Why does my horse bend to the outside?

It can be a sign that they are avoiding taking weight or pushing through with the inside hind, far easier to bend away than step under properly, a good physio should have picked up any unevenness and referred back to the vet but if you only had a “back person” who did not look at the whole horse, including watching it …