
How do I stop Safaricom airtime from being used as data?

How do I stop Safaricom airtime from being used as data?

The good thing about this data management service is that subscribers can opt-out at any given time.

  1. Start by dialing *544#
  2. Choose “Out Of Bundle”
  3. Select “Deactivate”

How do I stop my phone from using airtime as data?

On Android devices, the option is called Auto network switch, or Smart network switch. To disable it, go to Settings >> Wi-Fi >> Options > Advanced >> Smart network switch / Auto network switch.

What is eating my data bundles?

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What consumes your data? From our analysis, the most common apps that consume a lot of data are social media apps and entertainment apps with the likes of Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube and Facebook topping the list.

How do I restrict data bundles?

Go into Settings > Data Usage and select “Restrict app background data”. Google Chrome is one of the most popular Android browsers. It has an inbuilt feature that can significantly reduce data consumption on Android.

How do I stop airtime?


  1. Dial *135#.
  2. Select “Next”
  3. Choose “Services”
  4. Select “Content Services”.
  5. Choose “Stop All”
  6. Select “Block”

How do I unsubscribe from Safaricom premium services?

Dial *456# with your Safaricom line. Select the Stop option from the menu. In the next menu select the Premium Services and Games option. Select Unsubscribe or My Active SMS Services if you need to first check your active subscriptions.

How do I stop airtime from consumption after the depletion of bundles?

For you to stop your airtime being used up after the depletion of your bundles, you need to activate the Data Manager.

  1. From your Safaricom line, dial *544#.
  2. From the above, select option 3 and click send.
  3. From the above, select option 7 (More) and click send.
  4. Then click on option 2. (
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How do I stop my phone using airtime when bundles are over MTN?

MTN has launched a simple way for subscribers to block out-of-bundle (OOB) data usage, with its new “Out of Bundle Barring” service. Out of Bundle Barring is available to users via the USSD menu, by dialing *141*0# and selecting the relevent option.

Why does my data deplete so fast?

Smartphones ship with default settings, some of which are over-reliant on cellular data. This feature automatically switches your phone to a cellular data connection when your Wi-Fi connection is poor. Your apps might also be updating over cellular data, which can burn through your allotment pretty quickly.

Why is my data depleting fast?

Your phone’s data is being used up so quickly because of your Apps, social media usage, device settings that allow automatic backups, uploads, and syncing, using faster browsing speeds like 4G and 5G networks and the web browser you use.

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How do I stop airtime from browsing?

If you want to stop browsing with your airtime on airtel you need to deactivate the airtel payu. The code to opt out of airtel payu is *400*1#. Once you dial it, this message will be displayed to your screen instantly “You have been unsubscribed from Airtel FREE SURF offer…”.

How do I stop MTN using my airtime instead of data?