
How do I use the red button on my ThinkPad?

How do I use the red button on my ThinkPad?

You can use the right middle finger (or point finger) to press and hold the red button. Then you slight push the red button to the side that you want the pointer to move to there. Two thumbs can be press the left, right buttons of the touchpad. The red button in the keyboard of Lenovo Thinkpad is a navigation button.

What is the point of the red dot on the ThinkPad?

Nestled in between the keys of your keyboard, the rubbery red dot sticks out like a sore thumb. The pointing stick, as it’s also called, is a way to control your laptop. Developed by IBM in the 80s as an alternative to the trackpad and mouse, it was designed to keep your hands hovering above the keyboard.

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How do I enable TrackPoint on my mouse?

Click Start, then type in “mouse” in the empty “search programs and files” field, click it, in the opened window select UltraNav, then check “Enable Trackpoint”, thereafter “Apply”.

How does a TrackPoint work?

The TrackPoint is operated by pushing in the general direction the user wants the cursor to move. Increasing pressure causes faster movement. The relation between pressure and cursor or pointer speed can be adjusted, in a manner similar to the way the mouse speed is adjusted in a traditional desktop computer.

How do I change the TrackPoint on my ThinkPad?

Click on the “UltraNav” tab and select “Settings” for TrackPoint or TrackPad to make changes. You can also disable and enable either in this window. In the TrackPoint Properties, change what you would like to change, and select “Apply” then “OK.”

Is TrackPoint better than trackpad?

It’s a simple matter of efficiency. When using a trackpad, you have to move your hand off of the keyboard and down several inches. Quick switching between keyboard and mouse is indeed a strength of the TrackPoint, and if you need to do that a lot, the TrackPoint might be superior.

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How do you adjust the sensitivity of a TrackPoint?

Press ‘start’, type “Mouse”, pick “change your mouse settings”, click “Additional mouse settings”. The window will show up and will have ‘ThinkPad’ tab. Switch to this tab and you will see the track point sensitivity slider. Hope this helps.

How do I scroll with a TrackPoint ThinkPad?

The trackpoint has a scroll function that is activated by holding the middle button and then using the trackpoint to scroll.

How do I adjust the sensitivity on my TrackPoint ThinkPad?

How do I turn off the TrackPoint on my ThinkPad?


  1. Windows 10: Type control panel in the search box on the taskbar, and then select Control Panel.
  2. Choose Mouse.
  3. The Mouse Properties popup is displayed.
  4. Choose the UltraNav (Fig 2.1) tab or ThinkPad (Fig 2.3) tab.
  5. For the UltraNav tab, uncheck Enable TrackPoint.
  6. For the ThinkPad tab, uncheck Enable TrackPoint.

How do I change TrackPoint settings?