
How do I wash my NS uniform?

How do I wash my NS uniform?


  1. Before washing, remove all patches from the coat, and all items from the pockets.
  2. Turn the jacket and trousers inside out before you wash them.
  3. Machine wash in cold water with SPORT-WASH, using permanent press cycle, or hand wash using SPORT-WASH.

Do you wash blacks with warm or cold water?

Wash darks separately. To help preserve dark items’ original colors and prevent bleeding onto lighter clothes, wash darks together using the cold-water cycle (60 to 80 degrees). Use the shortest cycle.

What shoulder does the Njrotc patch go on for all uniforms?

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The black relaxed fit jacket may be worn with all uniforms except the Service Dress Blue uniform. The NJROTC patch is worn on the left shoulder with the top edge one inch below the shoulder seam. “When worn, all jackets and coats must be zipped at least 3/4 of the way up.”

How do you wash NWU?

How to Clean Your Uniform

  1. Navy Working Uniform (NWU) can be washed and dried in a normal washing machine. Do not use starch or bleach as they degrade the stain resistant fabric.
  2. Dress Whites should be washed inside out in a normal washing machine.
  3. Dress Blues MUST be professionally dry-cleaned.

What’s permanent press wash?

A permanent press cycle refers to either a washer or dryer cycle that can help remove or reduce wrinkles. This washer cycle uses warm water and slower spin cycles to release existing wrinkles, while the dryer cycle uses medium heat and a cool down period to keep clothes from wrinkling or creasing.

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Why do black clothes turn brown?

Preserve the outside of black clothing by turning each garment inside out before you wash it. Black color fades due to the friction that results when clothes rub against each other in the washing machine. More precisely, friction causes the fibers to break, and the ends of those fibers are exposed.

What does the black cord mean in Jrotc?

Silver- and brass-tipped shoulder cords (fourragère style) of various colors are associated with Air Force or Navy Junior ROTC members serving in flight or unit staff positions. Black is the branch color of the U.S. Army Chaplain Corps.

Where is the Kitty Hawk badge placed on the male service coat?

Name tag: Center between arm seam and lapel with bottom edge parallel to top of welt pocket 3. Kitty Hawk Badge: see note 15. 4. Unit patch: Placed ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam and centered.