
How do you balance work and Ramadan?

How do you balance work and Ramadan?

Set clear goals along with specific action steps: Set some specific spiritual goals around my home-based business goals during the month of Ramadan. Some are daily goals like making an effort to be on time for each prayer, reading at least one juz of the Quran a day or participating in nightly Taraweeh prayers.

How can I work during fasting?

7 Tips To Stay Productive During Ramadan Fasting

  1. 1- Plan Your Day Ahead. With the lack of focus and headache, you will feel, it’s better to plan what you will be doing.
  2. 2- Adjust Your Sleeping Hours.
  3. 3- Eat Healthy Food and Avoid Caffeine.
  4. 4- Take A Break.
  5. 5- Stay Hydrated.
  6. 6- Control Your Cravings.
  7. 7- Work Out.

How do I become more energetic in Ramadan?

Embrace the Holy Month with these suggestions

  1. Choose a sustaining suhour. A balanced suhour (pre-dawn meal) will help prepare the body for the fast during the day, as well as making digestion more efficient.
  2. Gentle activity.
  3. Schedule your sleep.
  4. Keep cool.
  5. Stay connected.
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How do you maintain energy while fasting?

Being hydrated will allow you to be energetic throughout the day. Drink plenty of water, avoid spicy and salty foods, and include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Move around: You may be getting tired not from moving too much, but rather, from having little or no movement.

How can I be effective at work?

13 Ways to Be More Effective at Work

  1. Trim Your Task List.
  2. Swap Your To-Do List for a Schedule.
  3. Stop While You’re Still On a Roll.
  4. Stay Organized.
  5. Make Bad Habits More Difficult to Indulge.
  6. Prioritize.
  7. Tackle Your Most Important Tasks First.
  8. Plan Tomorrow Tonight.

Does fasting make you sleepy?

Low blood sugar related to intermittent fasting can cause you to feel tired and weak. Plus, intermittent fasting may lead to sleep disturbances in some people, which can cause tiredness during the day.

Can we sleep during fast?

Avoid sleeping During fasting as the body is devoid of salts, and enough food, it is likely for one to feel sleepy and tired all the time.