
How do you be safe in zombies?

How do you be safe in zombies?

Zombie attack? 9 ways to stay safe

  1. Flickr/deadrobot. Will the flesh-eating undead show up at your doorstep anytime soon?
  2. Prepare an emergency kit. istockphoto.
  3. Lay in a supply of drugs. istockphoto.
  4. Don’t forget your documents.
  5. Devise an emergency plan.
  6. Pick a meeting place.
  7. Plan your evacuation route.
  8. Or should you stay put?

What are the rules for a zombie apocalypse?

The Rules

  • Cardio. To escape a pursuing zombie you will need to out-run it, and this means being in good shape.
  • Double Tap. When in doubt, don’t get stingy with your bullets.
  • Beware of Bathrooms.
  • Buckle Up.
  • Travel Light.
  • Don’t Be A Hero.
  • Limber Up.
  • When In Doubt, Always Know Your Way Out.

How do you survive zombie apocalypse?

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To help calm qualms and concerns, the Center of Disease and Control and Preparedness shares tips on how you can be “zombie ready” in case of a sudden outbreak. “Wonder why zombies, zombie apocalypse, and zombie preparedness continue to live or walk dead on a CDC website?

How do you protect yourself in a zombie apocalypse?

To ensure you’ll make it through the zombie apocalypse, heed their simple tips.

  1. Clear the Room.
  2. Never Turn Your Back on the Enemy.
  3. The Fine Line.
  4. Zombies Are the Least of Your Worries.
  5. Choose Your Weapons Wisely.
  6. Windows Are Not Your Friend.
  7. Don’t Get Stuck With A Gas-Guzzler.
  8. Fight World War Z with TNT.

How can you protect yourself from a zombie apocalypse?

12 tips for surviving a zombie apocalypse

  1. Separate friends from foes. You can’t survive an apocalypse alone.
  2. Set up a base.
  3. Make hunting for supplies a priority.
  4. Don’t drink the water.
  5. Pull your weight.
  6. Eliminate the weakest link.
  7. Find the perfect zombie-fighting ensemble.
  8. Just because you have shelter doesn’t mean you’re safe.