
How do you calculate RAB?

How do you calculate RAB?

According to the gross approach the closing value of the RAB (for a year of the regulatory period) is determined by the closing value of fixed assets minus the closing value of capital contributions minus the closing value of working capital.

How do you find the equivalent resistance?

The equivalent resistance is the algebraic sum of the resistances (Equation 10.3. 2): RS=R1+R2+R3+R4+R5=20Ω+20Ω+20Ω+20Ω+10Ω=90Ω. The current through the circuit is the same for each resistor in a series circuit and is equal to the applied voltage divided by the equivalent resistance: I=VRS=9V90Ω=0.1A.

How do you find the equivalent resistance of a Wheatstone bridge?

Firstly, combine the series resistances and form the ideal circuit of a Wheatstone bridge. Just keep in mind no current will flow through the central resistance. Then apply the formula and find the answer. 1R=1R1+1R2 when in parallel.

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What is RAB multiple?

RAB multiples are an objective, market-based, measure of the present value of the expected future cash-flows of the firm relative to the amount required to fully compensate investors in the firm. They therefore are sometimes taken as a measure of whether the regulatory framework is achieving this objective.

How do you find the equivalent resistance of A Wheatstone bridge?

How do you measure equivalent resistance with A multimeter?

Using a Multimeter Series – Resistance Measuring Basics

  1. Plug the Meter Leads Into the Correct Meter Jacks.
  2. Set the Meter Selector to Ohms.
  3. Set Meter Range (Unless You Have an Auto-Ranging Meter)
  4. If the Resistor Is Connected In A Circuit, Disconnect At Least One End of the Resistor Before Taking A Measurement.

Does equivalent resistance include internal resistance?

It exists internal to the battery between its terminals. Since the problem asks for the equivalent resistance of the network of resistors and the network of resistors is connected to the battery terminals, the equivalent resistance should not include the battery internal resistance.