
How do you clean a menstrual cup in college dorm?

How do you clean a menstrual cup in college dorm?

Baby wipes or [hygiene] wipes. (PACII suggests water wipes or cup wipes– anything without perfumes etc) Sometimes taking out a cup can be a little messy, and a gentle wet wipe can really help clean up better than toilet paper. Dish soap or antibacterial soap.

How do you boil a menstrual cup in college?

However, I had a lot of questions when I started using them, and you probably do too! Here are my answers to just a few of the many questions you may have about using menstrual cups, especially as a busy college student. This is based off of my own personal experience using a menstrual cup.

How do you communal shower on your period?

If you have communal showers that offer no privacy, a tampon is probably your best option because you can leave it in while you shower and change it in the privacy of a toilet stall afterwards. A menstrual cup may also work as long as you do not have to empty it during your shower.

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How do you use a menstrual cup in a hostel?

For people staying in hostels/shared accommodation:

  1. Bring a water bottle into the stall and use toilet paper to clean up most of the mess before taking it to the sink.
  2. Wash your cup with warm water and soap when you wash your hands, the blood should be gone by then and people don’t pay close enough attention to notice.

Can I sterilize menstrual cup in electric kettle?

At the end of your period, it is best to sterilize it before storing for the next use. You can rinse your cup, submerge in water and boil for a few minutes. You can also put your cup into a mug filled with boiling hot water (from the kettle) and let it sit covered for a few minutes.

Can you go to the bathroom with a period Cup in?

Yes, you can. Peeing with a menstrual cup in is easy—the menstrual cup will not interfere with urination. Some brands of cup (1,5) say that you can pass stool while wearing a menstrual cup, while other companies avoid the question all together.