
How do you code a yes or no question?

How do you code a yes or no question?

In its simplest form you just ask the question, get the answer and process the answer, i.e.:

  1. answer = input(“Enter yes or no: “)
  2. if answer == “yes”:
  3. # Do this.
  4. elif answer == “no”:
  5. # Do that.
  6. else:
  7. print(“Please enter yes or no.”)

How do you make a yes or no question in C++?

std::cout << “Yes or No? [y/n]” << “\n”; cin >> yn; for( char c : responses)…In its simplest form you just ask the question, get the answer and process the answer, i.e.:

  1. answer = input(“Enter yes or no: “)
  2. if answer == “yes”:
  3. # Do this.
  4. elif answer == “no”:
  5. # Do that.
  6. else:
  7. print(“Please enter yes or no.”)
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How do you make a yes or no code in Python?

“how to make a yes or no question in python” Code Answer’s

  1. Question = input(“your question”)
  2. if Question == (“yes”)
  3. print (“well done”)
  4. elif Question == (“no”)
  5. print (“try again”)

Is 0 A yes or no?

Yes, 0 is an integer.

How do you ask someone if they want to run a program again C++?

Thank you! Seems like you’d want to loop in main around the getOutput function. char userChoice = ‘\0’ ; do { getOutput(); cout << “Would you like to run this program again? (y/n): ” ; cin >> userChoice; } while (userChoice == ‘y’ || userChoice == ‘Y’ );

How do you write or in C++?

The | (bitwise OR) in C or C++ takes two numbers as operands and does OR on every bit of two numbers. The result of OR is 1 if any of the two bits is 1. The ^ (bitwise XOR) in C or C++ takes two numbers as operands and does XOR on every bit of two numbers. The result of XOR is 1 if the two bits are different.

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How do I make my C++ program run again?

4 Answers. You can use a loop and make it run untill user give a specific input. In below code once the program will run and then it will ask user to input 5 to exit or any other key to run again, and if user gives 5 as input, then it will stop or if user gives any other input then program will run again.

How do I make Java code run again?

5 Answers. Extract the code from main into a new function, and then call that function to pass control and start over again. If the user chooses to quit just set run to false and the program will exit.