
How do you deal with breakups during exam time?

How do you deal with breakups during exam time?

Helping Yourself Cope with the Breakup

  1. Give yourself some time to recover.
  2. Work to identify and accept all of your feelings.
  3. Maintain a positive view of yourself.
  4. Reassure yourself that it is normal for feeling to take an “up and down” course.
  5. Be careful of “rebounding”
  6. Take care of your physical health.

How can I focus on my studies after a breakup?

9 Ways to Stay Focused at Work After a Breakup

  1. Use work as a distraction. In a healthy way, of course.
  2. Stay mentally and physically healthy.
  3. Confide in one or two trusted coworkers.
  4. Try batching.
  5. Work with other people when possible.
  6. Don’t go overboard.
  7. Make new habits.
  8. Make plans after work.
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Why can’t I concentrate after a breakup?

Switch to self-preservation instead of destruction Even in the office, most people can’t concentrate at work after a breakup because they feel tired and exhausted, and just want to leave and resort to lazy endless hours on the couch.

How do I calm my mind after a break up?

Tips for emotional self-care

  1. Keep a daily journal. Just 10 or 15 minutes of writing each day can help.
  2. Try meditation to practice accepting challenging emotions.
  3. Listen to music.
  4. Set aside time to relax each day.
  5. Remind yourself it’s OK to grieve your loss.

How do I relax my mind after a break up?

5 ways to get your mind right after a breakup

  1. Talk about your breakup — but make sure it’s a constructive conversation.
  2. Socialize with a supportive group of friends.
  3. Beware of social media.
  4. Write down what you learned from the relationship.
  5. Practice gratitude.

How can I focus on myself and not my ex?

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How to Focus On Yourself—Not Your Ex—After a Breakup

  1. Cut off contact. The “no-contact” rule may suck, but it works.
  2. Be cognizant of our thoughts.
  3. Prioritize self-care.
  4. Just do it.

How can I be productive during heartbreak?

5 Tips for Staying Productive After a Breakup

  1. PRACTICE GOOD EMOTIONAL HYGIENE. As tempting as it may be to sweep your feelings under the rug, it’s important to give yourself permission to process how you feel.