
How do you deal with uneven plywood subfloor?

How do you deal with uneven plywood subfloor?

Use Self-Leveling Compound to Correct Subfloor Wide sags and depressions in a floor sometimes can’t be adequately bridged even by sheets of plywood, so it’s best to fill these areas with self-leveling compound. When mixed with water, the compound settles into low areas and dries to a smooth, level surface.

What can I do about uneven subfloors?

For concrete slabs: If there are only a few problem areas in the concrete, you can mechanically flatten them by grinding, bead-blasting, abrading, or using a patching compound. If the entire slab is uneven, you may have to use a self-leveling concrete compound to smooth it out.

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How do you flatten plywood subfloor?

“If you’re going to float a plywood subfloor over a concrete slab, and you just want your sub-base to be flat, you could do something as simple as putting dry sand down,” or using pieces of sheet vinyl as shims, says Moore.

Can you use self-leveling compound on plywood?

If you’ve got a plywood subfloor, like many buildings do, you can leave it in place and apply self-leveling concrete directly on top of it. You can also use self-leveling concrete on plywood as an underlayment for other types of floor coverings, such as carpet or tile.

How do you level a sloping floor with plywood?

Place strips of plywood across the floor to fill deeper slopes, increasing the thickness of the plywood at regular intervals to correct the slope. For example, fill a 1-inch slope across 8 feet by putting a 12-inch strip of 3/8-inch plywood at the point where the slope is that deep.

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How much does it cost to level a subfloor?

The Cost. Depending on what you want and the extent of your leveling job, floor leveling can cost as little as $2 per square foot or as much as $30. If you’re planning on a more luxurious finish and multiple coats, you can expect the price to go up accordingly.

Can I Shim subfloor?

To shim the floor, take a straightedge or a level and look for imperfections in the flatness of the floor and determine if it needs to be raised or lowered. This may require either sanding high spots or shimming with shingles in the low spots to build them up.

Can a sloping floor be fixed?

Foundation specialists will repair any structural problems first, then use one of a few different techniques to mend your sloping floor. This might involve jacking up floor joists and installing supports, or it could require jacking up the whole house and installing new footers.

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How do you install plywood over existing subfloor?

Things to take into account when laying ply over plank subfloors: Take time to make sure your existing planks are well secured in place. Repair any broken planks. Install a layer of at least ½” or preferably 5/8” ply over the existing planks.

Can thinset be used on plywood?

Thinset is the wet base that you first trowel on the plywood to make the tile stick. Higher latex content is essential for bonding to plywood. A quality unmodified thinset should be used and mixed with a latex additive.