
How do you escape a burning building?

How do you escape a burning building?

If the hallway is clear of smoke, walk in a calm manner to the nearest fire exit and evacuate the building.

  1. Use the stairs – NEVER use elevators.
  2. Stay low to avoid smoke, fumes, and super heated gases that may have entered.
  3. Close doors as you leave to confine fire as much as possible.

How do you control fire in a building?

10 measures to assess fire safety

  1. Provide adequate means of escape.
  2. Outline clear pathways to exit doors.
  3. Install smoke detection systems.
  4. Maintain smoke suppression systems.
  5. Conduct regular fire drills.
  6. Use flame-retardant materials in interiors.
  7. Make your office accessible to firefighters.
  8. Keep the building plans handy.
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How do you evacuate in a case of fire?

Evacuation Procedures

  1. Activate the fire alarm.
  2. Call 911 immediately and provide information.
  3. Assist injured personnel or notify emergency responders of the medical emergency.
  4. Exit the building following emergency maps.
  5. Assist physically impaired individuals to a secure area and notify emergency responders.

What should be done in order to prevent a fire incident like this to happen?


  1. Create and practice a fire escape plan. Include two ways out of every room. Pick a spot to meet outside.
  2. Install and maintain smoke alarms. Place smoke alarms on every level of your home, including inside and outside bedrooms. Test smoke alarms once a month.

What would give you the best chance of escaping a smoke filled room?

Stuff clothing, towels, or newspapers in the door’s cracks to keep smoke out. Even if the door is cool, open it slowly. Stand low and to one side of the door, in case smoke or fumes seep around it.

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What are the two main ways of controlling a fire?

The most common method to control a Class-A fire is to remove heat by spraying the burning solid fuels with water. Another control method would be to reduce the oxygen content in the immediate vicinity of the fire (i.e., “smother” the fire), such as by the introduction of an inert gas such as carbon dioxide.

Which of the following you should do if you unable to evacuate a burning building?

DO remain in your room if you are unable to exit the building safely because of smoke or fire. Keep the door closed and await assistance from the fire department. If smoke is entering under or around the door, stuff damp sheets or blankets in the spaces to help keep smoke out.

When fire breaks out what are the three most important things to do?

If a Fire Starts:

  • Know how to safely operate a fire extinguisher.
  • Remember to GET OUT, STAY OUT and CALL 9-1-1 or your local emergency phone number.
  • Yell “Fire!” several times and go outside right away.
  • If closed doors or handles are warm or smoke blocks your primary escape route, use your second way out.