
How do you explain extenuating circumstances?

How do you explain extenuating circumstances?

What are Extenuating Circumstances?

  1. They have to be out of your control; you could not have prevented them.
  2. They must have had a significant impact; they must have had a clearly negative impact on your ability to study or to undertake an assessment.
  3. The timing of the circumstances must be relevant to the claimed impact.

What counts as extenuating circumstances university?

Extenuating circumstances are where students experience circumstances that temporarily impair their ability to participate in a programme, submit assessments, or attend examinations or other assessment related events such as an in-semester test or a performance.

How do you write extenuating circumstances?

Explicitly make the connection between how the circumstances affected you, and the resulting impact on your academic performance. List specific courses which were affected. Do not leave it to the reviewer to draw conclusions or connect the dots between unfortunate circumstances and your transcript.

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What are extenuating circumstances for scholarship?

What are extenuating circumstances? Extenuating circumstances may include: serious illness of student and/or immediate family member or death of immediate family member.

What are good extenuating circumstances?

Acceptable reasons within Regulations

  • Victim of serious crime (e.g. rape, assault, mugging)
  • Theft of work required for assessment.
  • Direct experience of a terrorist incident or natural disaster.
  • Major fire in a residence.

Do universities accept extenuating circumstances?

Universities treat students kindly and take extenuating circumstances into account, however they do tend to view some circumstances more seriously than others. In the first instance, universities prefer any extenuating circumstance to be submitted to the relevant exam board (i.e. for the exams affected).

How do you write a good mitigation statement?

Tips when writing a letter of mitigation

  1. The letter should be short and to the point.
  2. You should say you accept full responsibility and say you regret what you’ve done.
  3. You should say that you’re determined not to offend again.
  4. If this is your first offence, you should say so.
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Is depression an extenuating circumstance?

What is an extenuating circumstance? However, examples of extenuating circumstances typically include everything from physical and mental illness to personal problems. The illness may be something like depression, that can affect your studies over a long period, or a migraine that just affects one exam.

Which is an example of a special circumstances?

Below are examples of situations that are considered to be special circumstances: Loss or reduction of employment, wages, or unemployment compensation. Loss of untaxed income or benefits e.g. Social Security benefits or child support. Separation or divorce.

What is another word for special circumstances?

“She said there were special circumstances prevailing in the State that require special consideration.”…What is another word for special consideration?

indulgence dispensation
allowance concession
preference exception
exemption permission
privilege free pass

How do you ask for extenuating circumstances?

Step-by-step: How to apply for extenuating circumstances

  1. Step 1: consider whether you are eligible to apply.
  2. Step 2: gather the relevant evidence for your application.
  3. Step 3: submit your application.
  4. Step 4: wait for approval.