
How do you get hearts fast on mystic messenger?

How do you get hearts fast on mystic messenger?

Collect Hearts Hearts are another resource in Mystic Messenger. Once you’ve accumulated 100 Hearts, you can trade them in for one Hourglass. You can gain Hearts by selecting appropriate answers when chatting with any of the five available characters in the game.

What does the broken heart mean in Mystic Messenger?

During a chat, if the player chooses answers that go against the values of certain characters, they may get a broken heart. Obtaining a broken heart would cause the player to lose one heart from their total heart count.

How many hourglasses does deep story cost?

Compared to Casual Story, Deep Story focuses more heavily on plot details. Since it requires 200 hourglasses to unlock Deep Story mode, it is highly recommended for players to unlock all three routes available in Casual Story first before proceeding to Deep Story.

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What happens if you miss chats in Mystic Messenger?

Every day, more than 10 chat rooms open up. New chat rooms usually open after 1-2 hours. If you miss a chat session, the conversation still occurs without you. After that, you can read the conversation but will not be able to interact with the characters during that time.

What order should I play Mystic Messenger?

If you want to see every ending, it’s really worthwhile playing Mystic Messenger in narrative sequence. Start in Casual and play through Zen first, followed by Yoosung and finally Jaehee, then switch to Deep story and play through Jumin before finishing up with 707.

What does the spaceship mean in Mystic Messenger?

The spaceship shows up on the home screen and upon tapping it, it will give you a thought from a random RFA member, with their silhouette in the background with their respective colors. Every character has 1-2 thoughts per day. The thought, while random, seems to also loosely follow the storyline at that point in time.