
How do you hashtag multiple lines of code?

How do you hashtag multiple lines of code?

“how to hashtag multiple lines in python” Code Answer’s

  1. select the lines you want to comment. and ‘use Ctrl + / to comment all of the selected text’.
  2. To uncomment do the same thing. OR.
  3. put a ‘#’ before each line.

What is the fastest way to comment out code in Python?

To comment out a block of code in IDLE, we have to first select the line and then press the key combination ctrl+D. This will comment out the selected lines of code as shown below. To uncomment the lines of code, we just have to select the lines and then press ctrl+shift+d . This will uncomment the selected lines.

How do you make a Python code inactive?

You can also block comment the code but line by line or selecting multiple lines and hitting the comment button seems simplest. Python’s guide for commenting can be found here . You can comment out block of code or multiple lines by using three single quotes before and after the code like this: ”’

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How do you hashtag a string in Python?

Method 1:

  1. Split the text into words using the split() method.
  2. For every word check if the first character is a hash symbol(#) or not.
  3. If yes then add the word to the list of hashtags without the hash symbol.
  4. Print the list of hashtags.

How do I comment multiple lines in Sublime Text?

Ctrl + Alt + / for block or multiline comments.

How do you comment out in C#?

Shortcut: You can use Ctrl+K, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+K, Ctrl+U to Comment or Uncomment selected lines of text.

What does .encode do in Python?

The Python String encode() method encodes the string, using the specified encoding. If no encoding is specified, UTF-8 will be used.

How do you generate a random string in Python?

Using random. choice()

  1. import string.
  2. import random # define the random module.
  3. S = 10 # number of characters in the string.
  4. # call random.
  5. ran = ”.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k = S))
  6. print(“The randomly generated string is : ” + str(ran)) # print the random data.