
How do you know if phentermine is working?

How do you know if phentermine is working?

Phentermine is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract and reaches peak concentrations in the blood in three to 4.4 hours, by which time you should start feeling the effects, alerting you that the drug is working.

Can you take phentermine longer than 3 months?

The authors concluded that phentermine is safe and effective for longer-term use—that is, >3 months—for weight loss in low-risk individuals.

Why does phentermine make me not hungry?

Neurotransmitters — the chemicals norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamineare — are your body’s chemical messengers ( 6 , 7 ). When your levels of these three chemicals increase, your feeling of hunger decreases. However, you may build a tolerance to the appetite-suppressing effects of phentermine within a few weeks.

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How should I take phentermine for best results?

How to use Phentermine HCL. Take this medication by mouth as directed by your doctor, usually once a day, 1 hour before breakfast or 1 to 2 hours after breakfast. If needed, your doctor may adjust your dose to take a small dose up to 3 times a day.

What enhances phentermine?

Eating healthy foods such as broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, bananas, berries, and almonds allow the phentermine to stay in your body for maximum effect.

What do you do if phentermine doesn’t work?

Frequently, the proper course of action is to increase adherence to the diet, rather than change the phentermine. However, if phentermine doesn’t work, stops working, or has an intolerable side-effect, you should ask your physician to switch to a different weight loss medicine.

What’s the longest you can take phentermine?

Many doctors prescribe phentermine, on its own, to patients for more than 12 weeks. And anecdotal reports from many of my colleagues suggested that it was helpful for many patients long-term.

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How long do you have to wait to take phentermine again?

If you have not lost a certain amount of weight, your doctor may tell you to stop taking phentermine and topiramate or may increase your dose and then increase it again after 14 days. After you take the new dose for 12 weeks, your doctor will check to see how much weight you have lost.

How can I make duromine more effective?

Take Duromine first thing in the morning, at breakfast time so that it does not keep you awake at night. Taking it at the same time each day will have the best effect. It will also help you remember when to take it. It does not matter if you take this medicine before or after food.

What is the highest mg of phentermine you can take?

Phentermine is a short-term treatment for people with obesity who are at risk for certain medical conditions. Dosage ranges from 18.75 mg. to a maximum of 37.5 mg daily. This drug is taken either three times a day before meals or once before breakfast.

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Can you build up a tolerance to phentermine?

Phentermine may be used short-term as an aid to weight loss; however, it can be addictive and tolerance may develop to its weight-losing effects, rendering it less effective with time.