
How do you make a square wave with a timer?

How do you make a square wave with a timer?

Square wave generation using 8051 timer. Write up a delay subroutine with delay equal to half the time period of the square wave. Make any port pin high and call the delay subroutine. After the delay subroutine is finished, make the corresponding port pin low and call the delay subroutine gain.

What is duty cycle in 8051 microcontroller?

8051 is a series of micro controller. Duty cycle is ratio of high and low in a pulse stream. Both are different words and has no relation with each other.

Which peripheral IC is used for generating delay?

Now in order to get the exact the exact delay in time rather time delays by the hardware, timer chips which are programmable like Intel 8253 are used. Here, very little software overhead is required and the processor is available for other processing. As a DIP package Intel 8253 is a 24-pin programmable IC available.

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What is the difference between timer and counter?

A timer is a specialized type of clock which is used to measure time intervals. A counter is a device that stores (and sometimes displays) the number of times a particular event or process occurred, with respect to a clock signal. It is used to count the events happening outside the microcontroller.

Which of the following SFR of 8051 microcontroller is 16 bit?

DPTR – Data pointer is the 8051’s only user-accessible 16 bit (2 – byte) register. DPTR is meant for pointing to data. It is used by the 8051 to access external memory using the address indicated by DPTR.

What is delay in embedded system?

In Embedded System Delay is used to halt the system to execute previous instructions. Serial. println(“LED ON”); delay(100); delay is used over here to print the string on serial monitor for 100ms then it will start executing next instruction.

What is time delay in embedded systems?

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Generation of time delay is most important concept in embedded systems. Most of the times, we need to generate precise time delay between two actions in any microcontroller applications. We can generate the time delay using the techniques like LOOPs or by using in built delay functions.