
How do you make an Icecast server?

How do you make an Icecast server?

On this page

  1. Part 1: Selecting a VPS Web Host.
  2. Part 2: Creating a VPS.
  3. Part 3: Setup and Configure Icecast. Change the root password. Run updates. Set the timezone. Install Icecast. Further Icecast Configuration. Restart Icecast. Test Icecast.
  4. Part 4: Configure your Streaming Audio Encoder.
  5. Part 5: Followup Configuration.

How do you start an Icecast?

Broadcast audio with Icecast2

  1. Install Icecast2.
  2. Edit Icecast2 configuration. Open the file /etc/icecast2/icecast.xml as root in an editor.
  3. Edit defaults. Open the /etc/default/icecast2 file as root in an editor.
  4. Start/Stop Icecast.

How do I set up Icecast on Windows?

To configure Icecast go to the ‘Configuration’ menu, and select ‘Edit Configuration’. Now a window will pop up containing the configuration file for Icecast. Please clear all of the text out of the window.

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What port does Icecast use?

You can also verify that Icecast is started by visiting the following URL http://localhost:8000/admin/stats.xsl on the machine running Icecast. Replace localhost with the correct hostname and adjust the port, if you aren’t using the default port 8000. You should be prompted for a username and password.

What is the difference between SHOUTcast and Icecast?

The key differentiator of Shoutcast was that it streamed MP3 compressed audio instead of RealAudio’s proprietary codecs. Icecast was first released in 1999 as an open source alternative to proprietary and patent-encumbered streaming audio technologies of the day, which included both RealAudio and Shoutcast.

How do I stream Icecast?

Just navigate your web browser to host/port the Icecast server is listening on. If you are a Windows user, make sure you started the Icecast server and then click on the shortcut in the Startmenu, it will open the Icecast status page in your browser.

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How much does Icecast cost?

$9.95/mo. 96kbps Plans – Higher quality music – Using this bitrate will provide you a higher quality broadcast that works well for delivering near CD quality music.

How much does SHOUTcast cost?

How Much Does Shoutcast Hosting Cost? The Shoutcast Server software itself has a free and a paid version. The free version of Shoutcast Radio has limited features such as MP3 only streaming, and the paid version is $9.90/server/month.

Does OBS support Icecast?

Since OBS Studio version 21 it is now possible to “stream” to an Icecast server.

What is Shoutcast v2?

Shoutcast v2 Servers Using a Shoutcast v2 server is a popular way to run your internet radio station. Your radio station will be listed on which often attracts some new listeners. Shoutcast v2 also allows for automatic transitioning between the AutoDJ feature and live streams.

Can Icecast stream video?

Icecast is a streaming server, which can stream audio (and video) to listeners/viewers.