
How do you monetize a mental health blog?

How do you monetize a mental health blog?

How To Make Money With Your Mental Health Blog

  1. Nail Down Your Niche.
  2. Name And Branding.
  3. Set Up Your Website.
  4. Write Great Blog Posts.
  5. Start Generating Traffic.
  6. Capitalize on Traffic With An Opt In.
  7. Generate Income.
  8. Sell Something.

How do I market myself as a blogger?

7 Tactics You Must Follow to Market Your Blog in 2021

  1. Syndicate content on other platform:
  2. Network with Fellow Bloggers.
  3. Submit Guest Posts on Popular Blogs.
  4. Thoroughly Optimize your Blog for Search Engines.
  5. Get Active on Popular Forums.
  6. Attract Readers and Not only Search Engines.
  7. Promote Yourself as a Blogger.

Is blogging good for mental health?

Blogging can help chip away at the stigma of mental illness, says Ali Mattu, PhD, a clinical psychologist at the Columbia University Clinic for Anxiety and Related Disorders. He writes about the psychology of science fiction at Brain Knows Better, but also uses the blog to share personal stories.

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Where can I blog about mental health?

10 Mental Health Blogs We Like

  • THE MIGHTY. The Mighty publish real stories by real people, living with disability, disease and mental illness.
  • The Secret Life of a Manic Depressive.
  • MIND.
  • Rethink Mental Illness.
  • Purple Persuasion.
  • National Elf Service.
  • Time to Change.

Do mental health bloggers make money?

One simple way to earn a little spending money from your mental health blog is to become an Amazon Affiliate. That way, when you mention books or other products, you can receive a small amount of compensation. Google AdSense is another avenue to explore.

How do I start a successful health blog?

If you want to start a blog of your own, you’ll need to:

  1. Find your niche and find your ‘why’
  2. Develop a marketing and social media plan.
  3. Identify who you’re helping (target audience) and why.
  4. Consider how you will make money (if needed)
  5. Plan for growing your audience and growing your blog.
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How can I get paid to write about my mental health?

Get Paid To Write About Mental Health: 12 Publications To Pitch

  1. HealthyPlace.
  2. bp Magazine.
  3. esperanza (
  4. Headspace.
  5. OC87 Recovery Diaries.
  6. Psychology Today.
  7. ADDitude.
  8. Our Stories of Strength.

How do you develop mental health content?

Mental Health Content: 5 Tips to Engage Your Audience

  1. Use “you and your loved one”: This phrase addresses both people with mental health concerns and their caregivers.
  2. Choose second-person language: Talking directly to the audience legitimizes the feelings and concerns of the people reading your words.