
How do you paint miniatures step by step?

How do you paint miniatures step by step?

Painting a miniature involves several steps to achieve results that you will be really pleased with:

  1. Clean/Prepare the Miniature.
  2. Remove Flash and Mold Lines.
  3. Apply Primer.
  4. Attach to Base.
  5. Decide on a Color Scheme.
  6. Basecoat.
  7. Apply Wash.
  8. Drybrush and/or Blend.

How do you paint on miniatures?

Here are 5 simple tips for improving how you paint miniature details

  1. Maintain a comfortable body posture.
  2. Take painting breaks.
  3. Use a larger brush.
  4. Thin your paints (but not too much)
  5. Use a dry palette.

What do you paint miniatures with?

In most cases, acrylic paint is the best choice for painting your miniatures or scale models. Acrylic-based paints can be brushed on, sprayed on, and can even be found in paint markers. Acrylic paint is also available in a variety of finishes or sheens ranging from glossy to flat.

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Is Citadel base a primer?

“Citadel Colour spray cans are designed for undercoating metal and plastic models. The purpose of the undercoat is twofold: it acts as a primer and it provides a flat base colour to paint onto.”

Do plastic miniatures need primer?

Do I Need to Prime Plastic, Metal, or Resin Miniatures? Priming a model helps paint stick and gives any paint job long-term durability. Without a primer, even the very best acrylic paint will chip and flake off in no time during handling, transportation, or even while you are painting the model!

What do I need to start painting miniatures?

You shouldn’t need all that much room to get started painting miniatures. You’ll want a comfortable chair, of course, and a sturdy table. But also consider your lighting. Shadows can play with your perception of miniatures and their details.

Can you prime with Citadel base paint?

All Citadel paint sprays are primers. Note that even if the pigments are the same, sprayed on and brushed on don’t always match perfectly.

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Can you paint miniatures without primer?