
How do you play high C on alto sax?

How do you play high C on alto sax?

2 To play a high C, simply add the Register key (sometimes known as the Octave key) using your LEFT thumb at the back of your saxophone. 3 To play a low C, add all three main fingers on your left hand, plus all three fingers on your right hand. Add your right pinky finger on the bottom key as well.

Why is my alto sax not playing high notes?

The most common reason that high notes don’t work is that the octave pip on the neck of the saxophone isn’t closing properly. This can be fixed by bending the metal piece on the neck ever so slightly so that it seals completely. This is the most common reason, and it is the first one that you should check.

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How do you not run out of breath while playing the saxophone?

To breathe properly, breathe from your diaphragm, which means making sure your stomach expands so that you can feel pressure. Do not let your shoulders rise. This ensures you are getting a deep breath and lots of air. Also, to keep your embouchure position, breathe in without removing your bottom lip from the reed.

How do you play C scale on saxophone?

Starts here2:54C Major Scale – Alto Saxophone Lesson – YouTubeYouTube

Is playing the alto saxophone easy?

How Easy Is It To Start Learning Saxophone? In terms of learning the saxophone, it’s one of the easiest instruments. The scales run up and down the keys, making it perfect for beginners or people who are switching from the piano or other woodwind instruments with similar technique.

How do you clean saxophone pads?

While most saxophone players prefer the paper methods described above, another option is to clean the pads and key holes with rubbing alcohol. To use this option, douse a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol and clean swipe it on each key pad and around each tone hole to clean away any visible residue.

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Is it hard to play high notes on saxophone?

Starts here11:24How To Play High Notes on Saxophone – Sax Lesson by Paul …YouTube

How do you breathe while playing sax?

Starts here5:54Saxophone Lesson – Breathing tips and Techniques – YouTubeYouTube

Do you need a lot of breath for saxophone?

to play the sax, especially the alto, you need very little air. Very little air is “lost” when you hold a note, and it takes very little air to make the reed vibrate.

Is the Yamaha alto saxophone good for beginners?

Students looking for the rich sound that Yamaha specializes in, can get behind this instrument, and put out some serious notes. This alto saxophone is well built and is fit to last until the user is ready for a professional level sax. The usual ‘intermediate sax’ is unnecessary if this sax is the one you start off with.

What is the difference between alto sax and tenor sax?

Now, alto and tenor sax play the exact same range of notes, meaning their lowest and highest notes are the same. The only difference is their pitch, and some people say the alto’s pitch is similar to the one of a female voice, whereas the tenor’s pitch is similar to the male voice.

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Is the soprano saxophone hard to play with big hands?

Also, be aware that on curved models, some keys closer to the bell might be harder to reach for big hands. The peculiar thing about the soprano sax is that you rarely see saxophone players who play it as a primary instrument, but rather a secondary instrument.

What is the best alto saxophone under $500?

The Kaizer ASAX-1000LQ is arguably the best cheap alto saxophone on the market and is certainly the best alto saxophone under $500. For a beginner, spending thousands on a sax is just not realistic. These budget-friendly saxophones are perfect for diving into the world Adolphe Sax invented and discovering the beauty of its sound.