
How do you practice narration in SSB?

How do you practice narration in SSB?

Be loud and clear enough to be audible to everyone while narrating the story. Make eye contact with others while you narrate the story. This will fetch them your attention and they will listen to you with more interest. If given a chance to volunteer to speak, either speak first or narrate at the end.

How do you narrate a PPDT story?

How to do Narration (PPDT) in SSB Screening

  1. Sample Narration. Gentlemen, I perceived …… characters in this picture out of which so many are Male/female in …….
  2. DO’s. Keep your head straight and try looking at everyone at least once (Not an eye-to-eye contact)
  3. DONT’S. Never criticize other’s story.

How do you improve narration in PPDT?

Keep it short and simple. Don’t go for quantity, manage the quality of your narration. Use simple words but deliver an influential story. Visualize success: Practice relaxation techniques in the days before your SSB.

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How do you ace PPDT?

How To Perform Well In PPDT Narration

  1. Practice narration beforehand as sufficient time is given after writing the stories and starting of GD, so utilise it to the fullest.
  2. Remember what have you written and keep it in your mind as to what can be told to officers when individual narration option is given.

What is difference between TAT and PPDT?

Below we have mentioned the differences between TAT and PPDT….What is the Difference Between PPDT and TAT of SSB Interview.

The difficulty level is high because of the competition. it’s a knockout round. There is no competition, the individual result of TAT is never declared.
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Is PPDT easy?

The test of PPDT is perception based evaluation where you need to write a story based on a hazy picture shown on the screen and based on it you need to define the characters, action and other parameters. Now this seems to be an easy task as story writing that too based on a picture, but believe me it’s not.