
How do you publish a paper in SAE?

How do you publish a paper in SAE?

To submit an original manuscript for review, please go to: All submissions are subject to a plagiarism check. All SAE Technical Papers and Journals have partnered with Dimensions for citation tracking. Click here for more information.

Is SAE a good journal?

The overall rank of SAE Technical Papers is 15020. According to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), this journal is ranked 0.295. SCImago Journal Rank is an indicator, which measures the scientific influence of journals. SAE Technical Papers is cited by a total of 3967 articles during the last 3 years (Preceding 2020).

Do I have to pay to publish my paper?

Answer: It’s not true that authors have to pay for journal publishing in most cases. However, the author does not have to pay any fee for submitting an article or for the peer review process. The need for payment arises only if the manuscript is accepted for publication.

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Is SAE Journal Scopus indexed?

SAE International journals are indexed by a variety of services, including Emerging Sources Citation Index in the Web of Science (ISI), Scopus, Engineering Village (Ei Compendex), JSTOR Sustainability Collection, CNKI, and IET Inspec.

Are SAE papers peer reviewed?

SAE Technical Papers are written and peer-reviewed by experts in the automotive, aerospace, and commercial vehicle industries. Browse the more than 107,000 technical papers and journal articles on the latest advances in technical research and applied technical engineering information below.

Why is publishing a paper so expensive?

The simple reason is that the main costs aren’t per-unit costs, but maintaining the technology operation to support processing articles. To produce an article, an author has to submit a manuscript—so the journal must maintain software to take in those manuscripts and allow editors to manage the review process.