
How do you scale text and objects in PowerPoint?

How do you scale text and objects in PowerPoint?

Scaling Objects

  1. Select the object to be scaled.
  2. From the Format menu, select the option according to the object selected.
  3. Select the Size tab.
  4. Under Scale, in the Height and Width text boxes, type the desired percentage of scaling.

How do you combine text and pictures in PowerPoint?

  1. Click Insert on the top nav bar.
  2. Insert a text box on top of the photo and enter your text.
  3. Click Format and select both shapes by holding Ctrl and clicking.
  4. Select the Intersect tool from the Merge Shapes menu, and voila, your text will be filled in with your background image.

How do I group a text box and shape in PowerPoint?

Group shapes, pictures, or other objects

  1. Press and hold CTRL while you click the shapes, pictures, or other objects to group. You will need to select more than one shape, picture or object in order to enable the Group button.
  2. Select the Arrange button and choose Group.
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How do you resize proportionally in PowerPoint?

To resize multiple objects at the same time, press and hold Ctrl while selecting each object. In the format pane or dialog box that appears, do one of the following: To maintain the original proportion, select the Lock aspect ration check box and enter a Scale percentage for Height or Width.

Is there a scale tool in PowerPoint?

There are two rulers in PowerPoint: one displays horizontally at the top of the active slide, and the other displays vertically along the left edge of the slide (shown below). To show the ruler, click View, and in the Show group, check Ruler. To hide the ruler, click View, and in the Show group, clear the Ruler box.

How do you scale multiple objects in PowerPoint?

One way is to use Ctr+A to select all objects along with text in a slide. Then Go to ‘storyboarding’ use ‘group’ then with group you will get a select box. You may scale up or down that select box for scaling all objects together.

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How do you merge text in PowerPoint?

To merge text, select one text box, hold down Shift then select the text boxes you want to merge. Click Merge Text under the BrightSlide tab.

How do you combine objects in PowerPoint?

Merge shapes

  1. Select the shapes you want to merge: press and hold the Shift key while you select each shape in turn.
  2. On the Drawing Tools Format tab, in the Insert Shapes group, select Merge Shapes, and then pick the option you want.

How do you link objects in PowerPoint?

Insert a linked object

  1. Click in the slide where you want to place the object.
  2. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Object.
  3. Click Create from File.
  4. In the File box, type the name of the file, or click Browse to select from a list.
  5. Select the Link check box.
  6. Do one of the following:

Can you scale text in PowerPoint?

Earlier, you would have to set the font and font size as you normally do within PowerPoint, but now you can set the font size scaling dynamically based on the length of the text. Then click the DataPoint menu and click the Text box button to open its properties. Then click to select the Texts tab.

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How do I combine multiple text boxes in PowerPoint?

To select several objects, press Shift, and then select each object. On the Drawing Tools Format tab, select Merge Shapes, and then pick the option you want: Union: Turns all the selected objects into one object. Combine: Turns all the selected objects into one object, but removes the overlapping portion.

How do sections work in PowerPoint?

Add a section

  1. In Normal view, in the thumbnail pane, click the slide that will be the first slide of the section.
  2. On the Home tab, click Section.
  3. In the Section Name box, enter a name for the section, and then click Rename.
  4. To add more sections, select a new starting slide for the new section and repeat steps 2 and 3.