
How do you solve profit and loss questions easily?

How do you solve profit and loss questions easily?

Now let us learn some tricks or formulas to solve maths problems based on gain and loss, starting from the general formulas.

  1. Profit, P = SP – CP; SP>CP.
  2. Loss, L = CP – SP; CP>SP.
  3. P\% = (P/CP) x 100.
  4. L\% = (L/CP) x 100.
  5. SP = {(100 + P\%)/100} x CP.
  6. SP = {(100 – L\%)/100} x CP.
  7. CP = {100/(100 + P\%)} x SP.
  8. CP = {100/(100 – L\%)} x SP.

Which is difficult Chsl or CGL?

However, there can be tougher questions asked in SSC CGL tier-II exam. Therefore, considering the tier-II exam of SSC CGL, it can be said that the exam is slightly tougher than the SSC CHSL exam.

How do you do a profit and loss sheet?

How to Write a Profit and Loss Statement

  1. Step 1 – Track Your Revenue.
  2. Step 2 – Determine the Cost of Sales.
  3. Step 3 – Figure Out Your Gross Profit.
  4. Step 4 – Add Up Your Overhead.
  5. Step 5 – Calculate Your Operating Income.
  6. Step 6 – Adjust for Other Income and/or Expenses.
  7. Step 7 – Net Profit: The Bottom Line.
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How many questions are there in profit and loss?

Profit and Loss, all in all, make approximate 1 or 2 questions that are standalone as in word problem. These questions can be easily solved using one of the most popular topics in quantitative aptitude which is PERCENTAGE.

How to solve a profit and loss problem?

Solving a Profit and Loss is basically based on practice as much you will practice different types of questions that much will be familiar to profit and loss problems.

What are the calculating figures for X\% profit and loss?

If there is a PROFIT of x\%, the calculating figures would be 100 and (100 + x). If there is a LOSS of x\%, the calculating figures would be 100 and (100 – x). Calculating figures be Cost Price and Selling Price respectively.