
How do you tell someone to stop eating so loud?

How do you tell someone to stop eating so loud?

Simply say that you find their eating habits – be specific, name no more than two behaviors (a long list is rude on your part and so work against you, this might be just the leading edge of reforms), and then listen. Don’t apologize. They are the rude party here.

Is it rude to eat with your mouth open?

Most people are disgusted by diners eating with their mouths open. Chewing is widely expected to be performed with the lips absolutely shut. In such settings it is rude to eat and not talk, unless the meal is a very intimate one where the rule is ignored or dropped.

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Why is the sound of chewing so disgusting?

Trevor Cox, professor of acoustic engineering, says it’s because chewing is a sound that can provoke a “disgust” reaction. This means it’s not the actual chewing noise that drives people’s annoyance, he says, but “the association with something unpleasant”.

How do you get someone to chew with their mouth closed?

Start out with small portions of food; first soft food, like ice-cream or yogurt. Put a little bit of the food into your mouth. Now close your mouth, chewing with only your back teeth. Chew slowly; this helps you keep your mouth closed.

How do you tell someone they are chewing their gum too loud?

Make the request light and casual Recognize that this may be a tricky conversation, but it should not be an aggressive or mean one. You are asking someone to change their behavior for you. Respect what you are asking of them, and do not make a big deal of the behavior itself. This is a request, not a battle.

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How do you tell someone to eat with their mouth open?

Originally Answered: How do I tell people to stop chewing with their mouth open and not make sound while chewing politely? Simply tell them they disgust you and that they are filthy pigs that should be eating out of a trough. They probably chew gum with their mouth open too, making that smacking noise.

What is it called when you can’t stand the sound of someone chewing?

The disorder is sometimes called selective sound sensitivity syndrome. Individuals with misophonia often report they are triggered by oral sounds — the noise someone makes when they eat, breathe, or even chew.