
How do you use as you requested in a sentence?

How do you use as you requested in a sentence?

Hello AXXXX, As you requested, we have completed refunding $8962385800 to your VISA ending in 7134. We love you and are here for you, as you requested”. Well, Neil, consider this your follow-up call, just as you requested.

Is as requested rude?

Dictionary defines to request as to politely or formally ask for something. So by definition it is not rude.

What does as you requested mean?

It means that you are doing something that another person has asked you to do. For example, in an email to a colleague you may write, “I have attached the report as per your request.” These days the term is considered rather formal and old-fashioned. It would be better to substitute “as you requested.” 110.6K views.

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Is it OK to say as requested?

“As per your request” sounds formal and grammatically incorrect, even though it was used in business for many years. Its time has come and gone. Instead, switch it with “As you requested,” which says the same thing in a much more approachable and simple way.

What is as request?

Definition of as requested : in response to a formal act of asking for something I am sending your medical records as requested.

What can I use instead of as per?

What is another word for as per?

following in accordance with
in keeping with according to
in line with consistent with
in conformity with accordant with
as stated by as reported by

How do you request someone in English?

Here are some better phrases to make polite requests in English:

  1. “Do you mind…?.”
  2. “Would you mind…?
  3. “Could I…?”
  4. “Would it be ok if…?”
  5. “Would it be possible…?”
  6. “Would you be willing to…?”
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How do you use request as a verb?

  1. request something She requested permission to film at the White House.
  2. You can request a free copy of the leaflet.
  3. She requested anonymity because she wasn’t authorized to speak to the press.
  4. request something from somebody/something The government has requested information from the companies involved in the scandal.