
How do you write sons?

How do you write sons?

s/o d/o (Son of , Daughter of)

What is correct her son or his son?

“His son” is a phrase which is often translated as “su hijo”, and “her son” is a phrase which is also often translated as “su hijo”.

What is plural for sons?

Singular. son. Plural. sons. The plural form of son; more than one (kind of) son.

Does my sons have an apostrophe?

Both express possession, of course. We use ‘s with singular nouns. For example, “my son’s toys” will be “the toys that belong to my son”. We use only an apostrophe (‘) after plural nouns that end in -s: “my sons’ toys” means that I have more than one son and these are their toys.

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How do you spell son like my son?

  1. son- variant of soni- before a vowel: sonance.
  2. son. / (sʌn) / noun. a male offspring; a boy or man in relation to his parents. a male descendant. (often capital) a familiar term of address for a boy or man.
  3. Son. / (sʌn) / noun. Christianity the second person of the Trinity, Jesus Christ.

What is the possessive form of family?

Here’s the summary for the word “family”: Plural (non-possessive): families. Possessive Singular: family’s. Possessive Plural: families’

Why is there no apostrophe in the word sons?

The absence of an apostrophe in `sons` means that you are talking about ALL your sons and in grammar `sons` is in the plural . . . (more than one). If you want to know about : sons` read on. Our sons` wives It depends on how you want to use the word.

What does the apostrophe at the end of a word mean?

S at the end shows plurality. Apostrophe shows ownership or attachment. If a word ends with an S normally, the apostrophe goes after is without the need for another S. Son’s = Son has an ownership or attachment > Son’s book, son’s wife, son’s dog, son’s job.

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How do you write ownership with an apostrophe?

All you have to do is remember that if there’s ownership or possession, then the word should take apostrophe -s. If there are many (the word is plural), then just an “s” will do.

How do you remember the rules for apostrophe s?

Remembering the Punctuation Rules for Apostrophe -S. Remembering the rules is easy. All you have to do is remember that if there’s ownership or possession, then the word should take apostrophe -s. If there are many (the word is plural), then just an “s” will do. If a word is both plural and possessed, it gets an s followed by an apostrophe.