
How does a barometric condenser work?

How does a barometric condenser work?

Barometric condensers are utilized to desuperheat and condense the incoming vapors plus cool the exiting gases, while developing the lowest possible pressure. There are two principal types of condensers, namely counter flow and parallel flow.

Why is barometric leg height?

Condensate drains by gravity, so the barometric leg must be high enough to ensure that con- densate does not enter and flood the condenser. Flooding lower tubes makes them ineffective for heat transfer. The barometric legs should be at least 34 ft above the condensate receiver for 100\% water condensate.

What is barometric jet condenser?

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High Level or Barometric Jet Condenser In this arrangement, the water out let pipe from the condenser bottom comes straight vertically to the hot well which is placed at the ground level. The exhaust steam enters from the side near to the bottom of the condenser. This is basically a counter flow jet condenser.

What is the function of tail pipe in barometric condenser?

As stated, a barometric leg is achieved by way of a tail pipe to drain the water and condensate from the condenser to a hot well at grade. The condenser is normally elevated to a sufficient height to permit this liquid to gravity flow down without any mechanical assistance.

What is a barometric leg?

A barometric leg is basically a condensate drain. In a vacuum system that is used to condense steam and condensable vapors through heat exchangers or condensers, the condensate is normally dropped into a receiver tank that is often vented to atmosphere or a low-pressure vent system.

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What type of condenser is barometric condenser?

Barometric Condensers are of two basic types: (1) concurrent, or parallel flow, in which the vapor to be condensed enters at the top of the unit and flows in the same direction as the water, and (2) counter-current, or counter flow, in which the vapor enters near the bottom of the equipment and passes upward against …

Why do you need a barometric leg?

The piping between the condenser and the receiver tank is called the barometric leg. Since the condensate drains by gravity, the barometric leg must be high enough to make sure the condensate does not enter the condenser and flood the lower tubes. If the tubes flood, they will not be able to transfer heat effectively.

Why barometric leg is required?

A barometric leg is basically a condensate drain. Since the condensate drains by gravity, the barometric leg must be high enough to make sure the condensate does not enter the condenser and flood the lower tubes. If the tubes flood, they will not be able to transfer heat effectively.

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What is a pre condenser?

Precondenser. A vacuum condenser positioned after a process vessel, such as a still, evaporator or distilla- tion column, but before the vacuum system. In this issue, a precondenser is the process vacuum condenser. q.

What is barometric height?

Barometric height is used as a measurement to express the atmospheric pressure and air pressure retaining mercury in the container, so mercury height is used as a unit to reflect the atmospheric pressure. P=ρgh, where P=pressure, ρ=density of liquid, g=gravity and h=height.

Which of the following condenser is also called barometric condenser?

Which of the following condensers is also called barometric condenser? Explanation: A high level counter flow type jet condenser is also called as barometric condenser.