
How does a gas exert pressure quizlet?

How does a gas exert pressure quizlet?

as the gas particles collide with the walls of the container then the impact exerts a force on the wall, this ersults in pressure.

Why does a gas exert pressure in short answer?

Due to weaker intermolecular attraction between the particles, they keep colliding with each other and also with the wall of the container exerting force and pressure. This changes the direction of the motion of the molecule. In return, the molecules also exert pressure on the wall. Hence, gas exerts pressure.

How do gases exert pressure give examples to show it?

When air is pumped into a bicycle tube by using a pump, the bicycle tube gets inflated due to the air pressure exerted by the collisions of gas molecules in air with the inner walls of the rubber tube. This air pressure in the bicycle tube makes the bicycle tyre feel hard.

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When gas exert pressure on its container the pressure is?

The molecules are continually colliding with each other and with the walls of the container. When a molecule collides with the wall, they exert small force on the wall The pressure exerted by the gas is due to the sum of all these collision forces. The more particles that hit the walls, the higher the pressure.

Why does a gas exert a greater pressure when its particles are moving faster?

Because the mass of these particles is constant, the particles must move faster as the gas becomes warmer. If they move faster, the particles will exert a greater force on the container each time they hit the walls, which leads to an increase in the pressure of the gas.

How do liquids and gases exert pressure?

Pressure exerted by a liquid : Liquids exert pressure on the walls of the container. Pressure exerted by the liquid at the bottom of the container depends on the height of its column. Pressure exerted by a gas : Gases too exert pressure on the walls of the container.

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How do liquids and gases exert pressure class 8?

All the liquids exert pressure on the base or bottom and walls of their container. All the liquid have weight. When we pour liquid into a vessel, then the weight of liquid pushes down on the base of the vessel producing a pressure. The pressure exerted by a liquid increases with increasing depth inside the liquid.

Why does gas exert pressure on the wall of container?

Gases exert pressure on the walls of the container because the gas molecules. Therefore, the molecules are in random motion. Due to this motion, the molecules collide with the walls of the container and exert a force on the walls. Thus, a pressure is exerted on the walls.

How do liquids and gases exert pressure explain with activities?

Liquids also exert pressure in all directions on the walls of the container they are stored in. We see water coming out from leaking pipes and taps. In case of a bath shower and fountain, water comes out tiny holes. Gases (Air) also exert pressure in all directions.

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Why gas exert pressure on the walls of the containing vessel?

gases exert pressure on the walls of the containing vessel because the particles of gas have the maximum intermolecular space between them and also its kinetic energy is more that is the particles travel very fast and thus it exerts pressure on the walls of a container .

What causes gas exert pressure when confined in a container?

Gas pressure is caused by the collisions of the gas particles with the inside of the container as they collide with and exert a force on the container walls. Particles have no kinetic energy at all so no energy can be removed and the temperature cannot get any lower.