
How does an actor become SAG eligible?

How does an actor become SAG eligible?

An actor can become eligible by being hired as a principle performer for a job that is covered under a SAG-AFTRA (or SAG or AFTRA) agreement. In that case, the actor must show proof of employment of at least three days as a background performer, on a job that is SAG-AFTRA (or SAG or AFTRA) covered.

How long can you be SAG eligible?

Landing this job has made you SAG-AFTRA-Eligible, meaning that, at any time, you can pay the initiation fee (currently $3,000) and become a member of SAG-AFTRA. You also have the option to simply remain SAG-AFTRA-Eligible indefinitely.

What is SAG minimum day rate?

The SAG Low Budget Agreement applies to films with budgets between $700,000 and $2,000,000, making this the SAG pay scale of most independent films. Under this contract, actors must make a SAG day rate of $670, or $2,324 per week.

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Should you put SAG eligible on resume?

SAG-Eligible is one of the best statuses to have, in this town. Before you’re SAG-Eligible, you’re nonunion (or, at most, a member of AFTRA and/or AEA — Equity). A caveat: do NOT put “SAG-Eligible” on your resume unless you have at least a grand put away in savings to put toward your initiation fees.

How do you become a member of SAG?

Performers may join SAG if the applicant is a paid-up member of an affiliated. Performers’ union ( ACTRA , AEA , AFTRA , AGMA or AGVA ) for a period of one year and has worked and been paid for at least once as a principal performer in that union’s jurisdiction.

Can I submit for SAG roles being SAG eligible?

The short answer to your question is this: You do not have to be in SAG in order to submit on a SAG project. Of course, it is an uphill climb to get cast in a SAG project even for existing SAG members, so that short answer doesn’t necessarily get you any closer to a booking – much less a SAG card. I’m just saying it’s okay to submit!

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Do I have to join SAG?

(least likely way in). 2 – Performers may join SAG if the applicant is a paid-up member of an affiliated performers’ union ( AFTRA , AEA , AGVA , AGMA or ACTRA ) for a period of at least one year AND has worked at least once as a principal performer in that union’s jurisdiction.

How do I become a SAG-AFTRA signatory?

How do I become Signatory to the SAG-AFTRA New Media Agreement? Submit initial information regarding your project to SAG-AFTRA for review at least 3 weeks prior to the start of production. You may either complete an online application at, or you may complete and submit a preliminary project sheet via email.