
How does Clarence Kennedy train?

How does Clarence Kennedy train?

During a typical session I would do Front Squats or Back Squats at 50\% 3×2, Snatch or Clean and Jerk at 50\% 3×1 and a few assistance exercises. After 7-8 months of rest, I slowly increased the volume and intensity, starting training at 4 days per week and eventually lifting 6-7 days a week.

Is Clarence Kennedy a powerlifter?

Now weighing 106kg, Kennedy competed in both weightlifting and powerlifting, performing the snatch, clean & jerk, squat, bench, and deadlift. Naturally, he came first on every single lift, winning the best pound for pound and overall lifter.

What happened to Clarence Kennedy?

It turns out he was suffering from some serious knee tendinopathy which eventually resulted in surgery to both knees. The whole process of his injury, rehab and comeback to high level Olympic weightlifting is detailed in the interview that he did with All Things Gym (another great site).

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Is Clarence Kennedy strong?

Clarence is an Olympic lifter based out of Tralee, Ireland, who has achieved internet fame due to his superhuman strength (I discovered him years ago when I googled ‘triple bodyweight squat’).

How much does Clarence Kennedy weight?

Kennedy, who weighs 103 kg (227lb), told industry news outlet BarBend how he managed to break his old PR: “My training has been the same really, I have increased my strength quite a bit, and I’ve made a load of other PRs that I haven’t released on YouTube.”

How strong is Clarence?

The 94 kg athlete has training lifts on par with many Olympians, with a snatch of 185kg (407.8lb) with straps and a clean & jerk of 220kg (485lb). He can also pause back squat 300kg (661.4lb), pause bench 200kg (440.9lb), and deadlift 340kg (749.5lb) with straps.

Is Clarence Kennedy a vegan?

Kennedy is an Olympic Irish weightlifter and YouTube personality who follows a vegan diet. Recently, Kennedy starred in a video in which he documented an entire day of his eating for viewers.

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How did Clarence get so strong?

Clarence has certainly become stronger since he changed his diet, though credit shouldn’t be given to the diet — it’s the training. In fact, Clarence explained that the reason he changed his diet was completely separate to his training.

How good is Clarence Kennedy?

The Irish Weightlifter also went on to clean 507 pounds right afterward. It was a good day of lifts for Irish weightlifter and YouTube personality Clarence Kennedy, who completed a massive clean & jerk of 490 pounds, or 222.5kg for a new personal record. 222.5kg/490lbs Clean and Jerk at 98.7kg/217lbs bodyweight.

Did Clarence Kennedy go to college?

Clarence Kennedy’s Harvard University Ph. D.

Is Clarence a vegan?

[We named Clarence one of the 5 strongest vegans on Earth. Check out the full list!] So we were curious when Kennedy told us about this upcoming video that followed his diet for a day.

How many calories does Clarence Kennedy eat?

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According to Barbend: “On average, the man eats about 4,000 calories per day and 150 grams of protein.” While his afternoon eating consists mainly of ‘cheat’ foods, Kennedy shares details about his breakfast, which contains ‘1458 calories, 50 grams of protein, 220 grams of carbs, and 42 grams of fat’.