
How does Facebook choose the image for a link?

How does Facebook choose the image for a link?

If you include an image at least 600 X 315 pixels, Facebook will display that image above your link rather than displaying a smaller image as a thumbnail to the left of the link. For images displayed above links, Facebook favors images that are about twice as wide as they are high (a 1.91:1 aspect ratio to be exact).

How can I change the preview image when sharing a link on Facebook?

Head to the ‘Facebook Link Debugger’. Enter the link to your site, click the ‘scrape’ button a few times. Keep clicking it until your new preview image you just uploaded appears in the preview area. And presto!

What is Facebook link image?

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In Facebook, tagging is a feature that allows you to link photos to business pages, places and friends. Tagging a photo to a business page allows anyone who has access to the photo to click the tag and go to the page. Adding links to photos can drive traffic to your business page to generate new customers and clients.

How do I change the thumbnail on a link?

Change Image in a Thumbnail Preview Link

  1. Here’s an example website thumbnail:
  2. Step 1: Click Edit Site to open the website builder.
  3. Step 2: Find the page you want to share.
  4. Step 3: Use the Page Preview Image field to upload your compressed image to the page.
  5. Step 4: Once uploaded, Save the changes to your Page Settings.

How does Facebook link preview work?

When you plug a URL into this tool, it pre-loads all the information Facebook needs in order to generate a link preview in the future. Facebook stores that info, and then when you get around to actually sharing the link, they’re able to generate the preview – even the very first time you share it.

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What is a share preview on Facebook?

A brief description of the content, usually between two to four sentences. This is the preview text that’s then displayed below the title of the Facebook share.

What is a social preview image?

This feature enables you to change the display image of your website in social profiles. The image you upload as your Social Preview Image will be displayed when your store name is searched for in social media. Go to Site Settings > Social Preview Image under General Settings.

Why does my thumbnail not show on Facebook?

If you have added the right thumbnail, and Facebook is still not showing the right thumbnail, then the issue is related to caching. After that, you need to reset the cache in Facebook using their debug tool. The Facebook debug tool is the easiest way to troubleshoot Facebook thumbnail issues.